Finding little gems within volumes of old newspapers…

March 24, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

We (at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers) often hear the following on the other end of our phone line: “I was going through my mother’s things and found these old newspapers…”. We have similar “discoveries” as well, but occasionally they are not what one might expect. While searching through volumes of newspapers for noteworthy articles, we often come across interesting news items we never knew existed but from time-to-time we also unearth fascinating “non-newspaper” items as well: an old handwritten letter from decades or centuries ago…  a child’s artwork…  a pressed leaf… When found, many of these historical trinkets are quickly displayed above our desks, creating a nostalgic space. However, sometimes they find their way onto our website. Such is the case with this Lottery Ticket from 1779. So, the next time you are perusing our catalogue, keep your eyes open for some of these exotic odds and ends.

I Would Love to Have Them All…

April 22, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

As you can imagine, working here at the RareNewspapers office can be a bit like a kid working in a candy shop.  Almost daily I push the thought, “Maybe I should buy this one for myself”, to the back of my mind. Sometimes it is because of the historic impact of the content I am seeing and the deep desire to personally protect it for posterity.  Sometimes it is because the issue triggers a fond memory and whisks me away to another day.  Last week this thought would not stay in the back of my mind but continued to crash to the forefront over and over.  Finally, with my many rationalizations in hand, I pulled out my credit card and purchased the issue.  Feelings of nostalgia of a simpler by gone era washed over me as I paged through my new treasure.  This treasure is mine however, if you are ever drawn to that same simpler time, we here at the RareNewspapers office have other options for you to consider.  There is truly something for everyone.  I may have been drawn to the vintage ads, drawings, paper dolls and old stories, but there is so much more.  Take a moment to step back in time.  Sometimes those brief moments are all that are needed to add a bit of perspective to the “thoroughly modern” life we currently live.

Definition of terms…

November 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Many thanks to fellow collector Morris Brill for the following. I’m sure we all can relate:

easy_chairA few days ago I was browsing through a popular auction website. Imagine my surprise when I saw a listing for an “Ancient” newspaper. “Wow,” I thought, “I never knew newspapers were published before the end of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D.” I couldn’t wait to see this ‘ancient’ newspaper and immediately clicked only to experience that letdown feeling as I gazed upon a 1954 newspaper concerning the Korean War.

But, I really wanted to find something to purchase, and then I saw it. The heading read: “Rare Newspaper.” Knowing that ‘rare’ is defined as being marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal. Distinctive, seldom occurring or found, I clicked again. There it was, the blaring headline “Reagan Shot.” Hmmm….so much for rare.

But, I was undaunted. And for good reason for just a few listings down I was struck with the description, “Vintage” “This must be it,” I thought, knowing that ‘vintage’ was of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality. But, alas, what I found was a newspaper on the subject of a public transportation strike in Youngstown, Ohio.

Did I give up? Heck No. There just had to be something of importance among all these listings. And my wish was soon granted when I saw the ad that read, “Historical.” Knowing that ‘historical’ relates to or has the character of history. Famous in content or significance, I knew this was what I was looking for. Though my clicking finger was getting sore I stoically endured and clicked to find a Philadelphia newspaper of the Phillies winning the World Series last year.

I was determined though. I was certain I would soon find that gem. And there it was, an
“Authentic Historical Newspaper.” Knowing that ’authentic’ was something that was not imaginary, false, or imitation. Genuine, without counterfeiting, admixture or adulteration,
I just knew this was the answer to my quest. I was so excited as my finger hovered over my mouse. Click…and there is was. An authentic NEW reprint. Imagine my thrill to know that this was not just any authentic reprint, it was a New authentic reprint.

With my last ounce of strength I clicked the red X in the upper right of your screen.