Catching Everyone By Suprise… A Valentine’s Day to Remember…
February 13, 2023 by LauraH · Leave a Comment
Some holidays catch us by surprise. Countless men have either forgotten their wedding anniversary until it was either too late, or until the last minute when buying that “perfect gift” was no longer an option. So it is in spades with a more recently “invented” holiday: Valentine’s Day. While some refuse to be manipulated into yet another obligation to invest in the greeting card, flower and candy industries, yet others invent creative new ways to mark this wonderful day of romance and the celebration of love. Such was the case with Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1929. This mob hit, nicknamed The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, stumped police until more than 2 years later, and even then no one was formally charged. Hopefully, everyone this year will opt for flowers… and not the kind we see adorning graves as as we drive by our local cemetery.
Snapshot 1934… Bonnie & Clyde – their destiny foretold…
November 18, 2019 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
In 1934 Bonnie penned what most believe to be her last poem: “The Story of Bonnie and Clyde”, which appeared in newspapers throughout the country shortly after their deaths. The uncanny foretelling of their fate would capture the imagination of many, and help transform them into legendary figures – a fantasy she had held since her teenage years. Although the poem appeared in quite a few newspapers, few can be found. However, we recently came across a Chicago Daily Tribune dated May 25, 1934 which printed the poem on the day of their funeral. Enjoy.
They Put It In Print… Black Americana……
February 25, 2019 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Few nations can boast of a peaceful trek from being a slave state (at least in part) to the enslaved people-group holding the highest position in the very land that had once enslaved their ancestors. Whereas there is still much work to be done, the United States’ governmental structure allows, and even promotes such progress. Since much of these historic events were put in print, the link below is able to provide a chronology of many of the highlights of this amazing, albeit bumpy road. Since the link only provides a snapshot of each issue’s content, in order to view the related coverage you may need to click on the item number of several in order to view the item’s full description.
Note: While perusing the issues shown in the link above, one might wonder why a link to a chronology of “Black Americana” issues includes those from outside the United States. Answer? Life rarely happens in a vacuum – and this is equally true with the trek shown above. Both the related tragedies, atrocities, and eventual progress which transpired outside the U.S. were often foundational in the thinking of those within. As a result, they have been included.
They Put It In Print… Bonnie Parker’s Prophetic Poem…
November 23, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Probably the most infamous, yet often romanticized outlaw couple is Bonnie and Clyde. While many are familiar with a host of the exploits and eventual demise, few are aware of a poem which Bonnie wrote which in retrospect appears quite prophetic. This post-death printing appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 25, 1934 – two days after her death:
The Traveler… Perrone explodes… Hoffa and Kennedy… Twin Towers plans…
January 20, 2014 by The Traveler · Leave a Comment
Today I traveled to Detroit through The Detroit Free Press dated January 20, 1964. There I found the bold headlines dealing with the mafia figure Santo Perrone who’s legs were serious injured in a car bombing incident. This includes photos of his car, now in twisted metal.
Also on the front page is the reporting of Jimmy Hoffa’s lawyers seeking to have Attorney General Robert Kennedy called to testify at Hoffa’s upcoming trial for jury tampering. “…If Kennedy tried to claim immunity because of his Cabinet post, Berke said, the defense would ask Chattanooga Federal Judge Frank W. Wilson to ‘use whatever power he has to compel attendance…'”
Inside the issue, I also found “World’s Tallest buildings are planned in New York…” This is in reference to the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center and includes the illustration of them as well.
~The Traveler