Announcing: Catalog #330 for May, 2023 – Rare & Early Newspapers…

April 28, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 


The May catalog (#330) is now available. Shown below are links to various segments of the catalog, our currently discounted newspapers, and recent posts to the History’s Newsstand Blog. Please enjoy.

CATALOG #330 – This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 300 new items, a selection which includes the following noteworthy issues: a German newsbook dated 1566, “Causes & Necessity Of Taking Up Arms”, “The Royal Gazette” from New York (1783), a great display issue on Lincoln’s assassination, “The Tombstone Epitaph” from the Wild West, Washington crosses the Delaware (in his own words), Monitor vs. Merrimac in a South Carolina newspaper, an extremely rare title from Dakota Territory, 868 mention of a baseball game with female players, a rare mention of the “Mormon Battalion”, and more.


Helpful Links to the Catalog:
DISCOUNTED ISSUES – What remains of last month’s discounted issues may be viewed at: Discount (select items at 50% off)

HISTORY’S NEWSSTAND – Recent Posts on the History’s Newsstand Blog may be accessed at: History’s Newsstand


Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team


[The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.]

Dramatic Headlines Speak for Themselves… Charles Lindbergh’s Solo Flight…

April 24, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The best headlines need no commentary. Such is the case with the CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, Illinois, May 23, 1927 which speaks of Charles’ Lindbergh‘s famous Trans-Atlantic flight in 1927:


They Put It In Print – Everyone Aboard The Titanic Survived!!?

April 19, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Eternally filed the bin labelled “Don’t Believe Everything You Read” is the report found in the Oakland Tribune, April 15, 1912, that all of the passengers aboard the Titanic survived. Yet another example of newspaper publishers pushing too hard to scoop all others. I wonder if they bothered posting a retraction in the following day’s issue.

The April (2023) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

April 15, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the April Newsletter from Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers. This month we are featuring an additional 100+ items added to our previous offering of discounted issues (at 50% off), another two-dozen issues added within the past few days to the online version of our April catalog, a video showing highlights from Catalog #329, a request regarding future posts for the History’s Newsstand blog, and links to a handful of our most recent blog posts.. Please enjoy.

Catalog 329 – Newly Added

(24 more added just this week)

Catalog 329 – Complete List

(great issues still available)

Video Showing Highlights from Catalog 329

(watch video)

Newly Discounted Issues (over 300 at 50% off)

(100+ added to last month’s set)

We’re Looking for Ideas

If you have any ideas for topics related to the hobby of collecting Rare & Early Newspapers that you would either like us to have covered for yourself, or if you can think of a hobby-related topic you think might be helpful to collectors in general (including newcomers to the hobby), please send us your ideas to me at Include whether or not it would be ok to give you credit for the suggestion if we use it. Thanks!

Recent Posts to the History’s Newsstand Blog

From the Vault: Best of the 20th century?

Snapshot 1665 – The Oldest Continuously Published Newspaper is Born…

Dramatic Headlines Speak for Themselves… The Assassination of JFK…

Finding little gems within volumes of old newspapers (updated)…

The State of the Union… Did you know…?


We thoroughly enjoy historic newspapers and greatly appreciate those who have a similar passion. Thanks for collecting with us!


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b

From the Vault: Best of the 20th century?

April 10, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

As newspaper collectors we dream of “the event” we’d like to add to our collection. It’s the search for that issue–or issues–which make this a fascinating hobby. This is, after all, a very visual hobby. How displayable are stamps and coins?  Huge headlines proclaiming a cataclysmic event or magnificent achievement lend themselves so well to display, much more so than an original document about the event.

The 20th century had a great wealth of interesting events. But what is the best?  If you could only make one choice, what single headline of the 20th century would you most want to see in your collection?

I wrestle with how to approach this thought: most life-altering? most recognizable? most historic? most appealing for display? I believe the first Wright brothers flight is the most life-altering; “Dewey Defeats” Truman” as the most recognizable; and a great “Titanic Sinks” report as the most displayable. Some newspapers did much with the events of the gangster era, and certainly the “careers” of Bonnie & Clyde, John Dillinger and Al Capone are well known and significant reports would be attention-grabbers on any wall. On a more positive note there are some spectacular “V-E Day” and “V-J Day” issues celebrating the end of World War II.  But limiting myself to just a single issue I would take “Titanic Sinks”. ….what’s your thought?

Note: The History’s Newsstand Blog went live for the first time in 2008. Since then our goal has been to provide informative of interest to both novice and well-oiled collectors of Rare & Early Newspapers. The focus of the “From the Vault” series is to introduce the current generation of collectors to posts from the past (with occasional updates as appropriate). The original post shown above can be viewed at:

Best of the 20th century?

Highlights from Catalog #329 – Rare, Early, & Historic Newspapers…

April 7, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

A few days ago we announced the release of our latest catalog of Rare & Early Newspapers (released for April, 2023). Some were wondering if we were going to post a corresponding video showing the highlights – along with a few budget-friendly items. The answer? YES! Please enjoy.

Snapshot 1665 – The Oldest Continuously Published Newspaper is Born…

April 3, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The London Gazette (eventually shortened to merely The Gazette) is the oldest newspaper in current publication, and reaches back into the mid 1600’s. Although the first issue under this name was published on February 5, 1666 (dated 1665 using the Julian/Old Style Calander), the first 23 issues were titled The Oxford Gazette, dating the onset of this renowned publication (i.e., issue 1, vol. 1) November 16, 1665. An image of this very first issue is shown below. You can read more about The London Gazette on their currently running website, and can view details of this initial printing at