The April (2023) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

April 15, 2023 by  
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Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the April Newsletter from Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers. This month we are featuring an additional 100+ items added to our previous offering of discounted issues (at 50% off), another two-dozen issues added within the past few days to the online version of our April catalog, a video showing highlights from Catalog #329, a request regarding future posts for the History’s Newsstand blog, and links to a handful of our most recent blog posts.. Please enjoy.

Catalog 329 – Newly Added

(24 more added just this week)

Catalog 329 – Complete List

(great issues still available)

Video Showing Highlights from Catalog 329

(watch video)

Newly Discounted Issues (over 300 at 50% off)

(100+ added to last month’s set)

We’re Looking for Ideas

If you have any ideas for topics related to the hobby of collecting Rare & Early Newspapers that you would either like us to have covered for yourself, or if you can think of a hobby-related topic you think might be helpful to collectors in general (including newcomers to the hobby), please send us your ideas to me at Include whether or not it would be ok to give you credit for the suggestion if we use it. Thanks!

Recent Posts to the History’s Newsstand Blog

From the Vault: Best of the 20th century?

Snapshot 1665 – The Oldest Continuously Published Newspaper is Born…

Dramatic Headlines Speak for Themselves… The Assassination of JFK…

Finding little gems within volumes of old newspapers (updated)…

The State of the Union… Did you know…?


We thoroughly enjoy historic newspapers and greatly appreciate those who have a similar passion. Thanks for collecting with us!


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b

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