Capturing the Vibe… Science, Invention, Exploration & Industry from the 1920’s…

February 9, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Nerdy things this month in our continuing series, “Capturing the Vibe” where we try to imagine what the world felt like to a newspaper reader from the past by immersing ourselves in their “vibe of the day”. This month we explore an issue of Scientific American from the 1920’s which documents the latest and greatest inventions of the day.

In this regard…


Some Scientific American issues have front color covers which always grab my attention.



These ladies are ladies are repurposing airplane struts as toys for tots …


Artists visit the zoo to sketch real live animals …

The Panama Canal has new terminals added…


Perhaps the beginning of Geothermal? …


And finally, on the back page a beautiful color ad for Federal Motor Trucks.

The World Takes Note… Has Amelia Earhart’s Plane Been Located?

February 5, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Many historical events spark one’s imagination… the Wright Brothers’ 1st flight from the windy dunes of Kitty Hawk, NC… Charles Lindbergh’s courage crossing the Atlantic and all the drama that ensued…  followed by Amelia Earhart’s “last” flight and mysterious disappearance. As of this month, we have a new intriguing event to add to this list of aviation stories. According to TIME Magazine: “A 16-person team led by Deep Sea Vision, a company in South Carolina, used an unmanned, underwater drone to scan more than 5,200 square miles of ocean floor between September and December of 2023. Sonar data reviewed in December revealed an image that the company’s founder, Tony Romeo, believes is Earhart’s plane, Lockheed 10-E Electra, that she was flying when she went missing in 1937. ” 

Like previous news items, we will just have to wait to know the final outcome, however, some of us who love the feeling of adventure and daring wrapped up in the stories of early flight may want to revisit those heroes of the past as we wait with baited breath for news of that famous Lockheed Electra.

An inside look at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers… History’s Newsstand…

January 29, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

WGRC (“The message is in the music!”)… While being a radio station, they feature the video series, “Around the Valley”, which focuses on various businesses from around the Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago they spent several hours learning about “Rare & Early Newspapers” – both as a business and as a collectible. They were truly delightful, and their authentic enthusiasm for the hobby was evident.

The 14-minute synopsis of our time together is shown below. Please enjoy.

This Day in “News” History… January 26th…

January 26, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Another day of news as reported in original newspapers… January 26th…

There are many internet sources available to explore what happened on a particular day in history. However, as collectors and resellers of “Rare & Early Newspapers”, our curiosity lies in what people were reading in their morning newspaper on specific days in history. In nearly every instance they were discovering what happened the day prior – and if one reaches back into the 1600s, 1700’s, and early 1800s, when news travelled a bit more slowly, they very well could have been (finally) reading about “rumored” and/or anticipated events from days, weeks, or even months prior.

Today’s adventure?

What about January 26th? The following link will take you to all of our available newspapers dated January 26th:

NEWS REPORTED in NEWSPAPERS on January 26th (through time)

Enjoy the trek. Oh, and if you want to try other dates, go here and plug in any month/day of interest.


The reason I collected it: The Battery, 1848…

January 19, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

THE BATTERY, from Washington, D.C., was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.
In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their candidate and publicize their political platform. Such newspapers tended to be short-lived; once the election was over… so was the newspaper. However, some titles existed for some months afterward.
Shown below is a portion of the #16 issue dated Oct. 19, 1848, the title existing from July 6 through November 2, 1848, then printing just two more issues: Nov. 16, 1848 and Jan. 25, 1849, for a total of 20 issues.
Of special interest–and a prime reason for it qualifying for the private collection–is the great masthead engraving, which is essentially a political cartoon showing the heroic Taylor on his horse commanding: “A little More Grape! Captain Bragg” to be shot at Lewis Cass, his political rival.
This phrase was a famous one in Taylor’s military career, a command to then-Captain (later General in the Confederacy) Braxton Bragg to fire more grapeshot at the Mexicans during the Battle of Buena Vista in the Mexican War.

A wonderfully rare title, a short-lived Presidential campaign newspaper, and a political cartoon for a masthead.

Bring Back the Old Names… Sports Stadiums Losing Their Charm…

January 15, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Guaranteed Rate Field, M&T Stadium, Oracle Park… do any of these names ring a bell for you? Perhaps if they are housing “your team” they seem familiar however, for the rest of us (or maybe just me) they seem boring and generic.

Let’s try again with their classic names… Cominskey Park, Camden Yards, Candlestick. Ahhh, now that feels right. The other day I was talking with some friends and mourning the loss of the classic names for sports stadiums.  As I am sure you are aware, these days the name is offered to the highest bidder.  How long, we wondered, till Yankee Stadium, Wrigley Field, Dodger Stadium, Fenway Park are no more? Thankfully, we have record of these gems in Newspapers: THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 14, 1920 … The top of page 13 has a column headed: “Terms Agreed Upon For Yankees’ Park”

Once again, history is preserved in newspapers of the day. Ok, so it may not be as critical to humanity as the founding of our nation but, to a baseball fan, it is still pretty sweet!

Taking Stock… Post-New Year’s Eve…

January 12, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Now that the holidays are in the rear-view mirror…

New Year’s Eve is traditionally a time of reflective celebration with family and friends, accompanied by great fellowship, an abundance of food, and a drink or two… or three… or four… or…  Perhaps it was during just such an occasion back in the 1700’s which inspired Ben Franklin to (supposedly) pen, “”Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Before anyone fires off a corrective note in my direction, it doesn’t take a lot of internet-browsing to learn that while this rumor went viral in the 1990’s, his actual statement was in regard to wine – but the point is the same. This beloved forefather loved the company of others, and raising a glass while dining in their company was not a rare occurrence. For better or worse, and with few exceptions, the masses have embraced his lifestyle, with this reality on full display each New Year’s Eve.

No judgement here. After all, let’s review:  A wise man once concluded, “Beer (wine) is proof…”. However, an even wiser Source (also referred to in Franklin’s quote) admonishes us to not over-indulge.

Seizing this position, the famed 18th century doctor, Benjamin Rush, put together a “Moral Temperance Thermometer” (shown below) which was printed in multiple publications of his day – The Columbian Magazine for January, 1789 being the first. Does it have validity? Before deciding, why not give it a gander, chew on it a bit, and drink in Dr. Rush’s illustrated thesis on the matter?

Regardless of your final analysis, may 2024 be a year for us all to enjoy the blessing which come our way… in moderation. 🙂

Capturing the Vibe… July 4th…

January 5, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Welcome back to our ongoing series “Capturing the Vibe” where we try to imagine what the world felt like to a newspaper reader from the past by immersing ourselves in their … “vibe of the day”. This month I was drawn to a paper which was around the celebration of Independence Day 1895. It certainly gives Summer Vibes which is greatly appreciated as Winter is in full swing!

So, on we go with this month’s issue…


The Helena Herald is out of Montana … Big Sky Country.


Summer is a time for weddings and in Helena, they warranted front page attention.


Celebrations will cover the whole state but the fireworks in Helena will “Excell Anything in the State”.



Full pages of old-fashioned ads delight the eyes.


The Wool Shearing has gone slower than normal however, The Yellowstone Valley is selling their wool for 8.5 cents – 10 cents.


Not much $ to use for gambling but no need to worry as “The Law Prohibiting Gambling is now in Force in Montana”.


“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”…

December 13, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The world-famous article shown below appeared in THE (New York) SUN on September 21, 1897. It is certainly one of the most challenging issues to collect as few are known to exist. It has been said this may very well be the most recognized editorial of all time. Found on page 6 and headed: “Is There a Santa Claus?”, this is the famous “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” editorial written by Francis Pharcellus Church, a sardonic Columbia College graduate & veteran Sun writer, he produced a masterpiece in fewer than 500 words.

Although the letter from Virginia and the famous response by Church have become well known (translated into 20 languages), few would know the prefacing paragraph which immediately precedes Virginia’s letter: “We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:…” and then Virginia’s letter and Church’s response.

The famous phrase “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…” begins the second paragraph, and the letter closes with: “…No Santa Claus!  Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.”

The press tracked Virginia until her retirement as a 70-year-old school teacher, while Church remained anonymous as the author until his death in 1906.

As for Church, he was a hardened cynic and an atheist who had little patience for superstitious beliefs, did not want to write the editorial, and refused to allow his name to be attached to the piece. More than a century later, it is the most reprinted editorial in any newspaper in the English language. This reality is a great reminder to all of us to always give our best effort, even when we don’t necessarily agree with those whom are in authority over us – moral conflicts accepted.

So, for a few brief moments let’s set aside the weight of “enlightenment” which is pressed upon us by virtue of adulthood and attempt to appreciate the sweet exchange between a “cynical” journalist and a curious, yet innocent, young girl. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL!

Capturing the Vibe… Christmas 1903…

December 8, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Welcome to the 2nd post in our ongoing series “Capturing the Vibe” where we try to imagine what the world felt like to a newspaper reader from the past by immersing ourselves in their … “vibe of the day”. This month I was drawn to Illustrated Magazines as Christmas is right around the corner, and they usually offer a plethora of wintery images. 1903 was on a low shelf and so it called my name.

So, on we go with this month’s issue…


Sometimes the December 1900’s colored covers are Christmas related and sometimes they are just beautiful!


Even though the color cover wasn’t Christmassy, the inside cover was full of Winter spirit.


On a somber note, I found a fascinating article comparing Feast-days with Fast-days …  not something you hear in conversations of our days.



On a somewhat lighter note, I saw a multiple cell comic strip on “Pledges of Purity for the New Year”.




There was an article and intricate image of the New Williamsburg Bridge Christening in New York City…




A story by Robert Chambers…


and finally, a political Santa cartoon by W.A. Rogers who took over for Thomas Nast when he left Harper’s Weekly.



I count this find as an issue full of Christmas gifts!!



















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