The Kennedy name frequented newspaper headlines…

August 25, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

A debate during dinner among friends regarding the most notable moments in 20th century American history may cause a few disagreements, however, none would argue with including the assassination of JFK as a noteworthy addition to the list. After all, the Kennedy dynasty ruled politics for decades, and John sat as king until his tragic death in 1963… with Bobby’s and Teddy’s passing larging serving as the final curtain on the Kennedy’s perennial command of newspaper headlines… or so we thought. Just as the name was beginning to be relegated to the dusty chronicles of the past, it has resurfaced on the political stage once again for this up-and-coming presidential election. Whether or not you were or are a fan of the Kennedy’s, major headlines featuring the Kennedy name are likely to soon be found in newsstands throughout America. It is not a stretch to speculate that Robert F Kennedy Jr. (Bobby’s son) is hoping to erase the sad

memories stirred when viewing the front page of THE DAILY MAIL, November 22, 1963 and/or the HERALD-EXAMINER–EXTRA, June 6, 1968, by something a little more positive and forward thinking: “A KENNEDY WINS AGAIN!” Of course such a headline would produce varying reactions based on one’s political bent – but regardless, the dynasty would have new life.

We all need a North Star… Wisdom from Frederick Douglass…

August 14, 2023 by · 1 Comment 

It is difficult to look at the life of Frederick Douglass and not become completely enthralled. Over the years, as I have ventured beyond the surface-deep historical facts by reading his speeches and writing, I have been astounded by his insight into the human condition and his wisdom which inspires the reader to live their best, most sacrificial life. It is no coincidence his first newspaper was titled THE NORTH STAR (later called the FREDERICK DOUGLASS’ PAPER). I would submit we can all use a clear guide to true north. Here’s hoping and praying that every new generation studies his life and writings, thereby helping to ensure “a more perfect Union” and a brighter future for all.

Source: Edited photo from the Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Christmas in July…

July 28, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

We all have those moments when a memory comes flooding back with all the delight or despair the original moment generated. Such was the case earlier this week as I was organizing a new our new acquisition of Harper’s Weekly Illustrated issues. After working my way through several years, I paused to sort through a stack of Christmas issues.  Although it’s the middle of summer and the temperature outside regularly toys with 3-digits, my mind darted back to a midsummer day 20+ years ago when Guy and I were hiking part of the Loyalsock Trail in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania. As we were walking along the trail near where we had set up our tents, we thought it odd to hear Christmas music in the distance, however, as we turned off the path and prepared to cross a stream we were amused and entertained by dozens of families and friends celebrating “Christmas in July” right in the middle of the woodland path. Their generator running to power countless strings of Christmas lights, music pumping, and tables crowded with homemade goodies – this family event was in full festive swing.

Jumping back to the present…

With a smile on my face at the thought of this communal celebration, I grabbed my stack of Christmas issues and headed back up to the front office to share them with all of you through this post. Below you will find a few I’ve listed. We may only have only one 1st-rate issue of each of these, there are plenty of similar to choose from on this hot day in July: Christmas-Themed Harper’s Weekly.

Sample Harper’s Weekly w/ a Christmas Theme

January 1, 1881

December 24, 1881

January 3, 1880




Obituaries of the famous… and the not so famous…

July 21, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

We often receive requests from our collecting friends for death announcements of the rich and famous.  Searching for these provides us with a sense of nostalgia as memories flood in of summer blockbusters or oldies-but-goodies from our grandparent’s era. Today, however, I wasn’t even looking for an obituary as I paged through a LA Times from August 18, 2005, but as I came across a death report a name leapt from the page and caught my attention. It wasn’t James Dougherty, the one who had just passed away at the ripe age of 84; rather, it was the name of his lovely 16 year old bride, Norma Jean. James was fortunate to have been the 1st man to marry the future star Marilyn Monroe before anyone else gave her a thought. He was quoted as saying, “I never knew Marilyn Monroe… I knew and loved Norma Jean.” Apparently, Norma’s wasn’t the only sad candle in the wind.

The Declaration of Independence – Jefferson’s Original Draft…

July 14, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Question of the day… Who recognizes the following quote?

“He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. The opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain, determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this excusable commerce and that this assemblage of might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he also intrude them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.”

If you had asked me a week ago (on July 4th), I would have had no idea. However, as of noon the following day I’ll never forget it. The above quote is from the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson had penned these passionate words denouncing slavery in the original draft. Sadly, delegates from 2 of the 13 colonies would not sign the “declaration” if they were included. Playing the long-game, Jefferson removed them from the first draft with the hope of fighting another day. As I searched the internet for the exact wording, I became distressed when I could not easily find the text from this brilliantly written outcry against evil. What if these exact words were lost to we the people… the common folk? Then, as if by a miracle (albeit with a small “m”), as I was looking through a Harper’s Weekly dated July 8, 1876, I discovered: “FAC-SIMILE OF THE ORIGINAL DRAUGHT BY JEFFERSON OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” within the rarely-included Supplement. I immediately scanned for what I knew to be the opening line of this “missing” portion… “He has waged cruel war against human nature itself…”, and voilà, there it was! History preserved in a Harper’s Weekly for all to see. I breathed a sigh, slid it into a protective folder, and laid it gently on my desk. Yet another reason why I love this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS  Based upon what is known about Jefferson’s personal “ownership” of slaves, some may argue his thoughts were hypocritical (or at least blatantly insincere). Perhaps they are right… or, perhaps such an assessment is a bit more complicated. Regardless, it is nice to know many of our Founders wanted to end this inhumane institution.

The question for freedom… the Underground Railroad…

July 7, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Down the hill from my house is a backcountry lane called Freedom Road. As my 6 children were growing up, I loved telling them stories of an Underground Railroad stop in the old barn across from our house and how the escaped slaves, after a short respite from their journey, would then travel down the hill to continue along their road to freedom.  How fitting a name and how moving a story – especially to children who could gaze across the street and imagine the historical efforts of humble, brave and noble locals being played out in their own neighborhood. Imagine my delight when I found a rare mention of the Underground Railroad in an October 6, 1854, New York Tribune. As Tim Hughes often reminds us, “History is never more fascinating then when it is read from the day it was first reported”… or when it is in your own backyard.

Summer Vibes full of Patriotic Celebrations…

July 3, 2023 by · 2 Comments 

Trendy words come and go as the decades slip by but some words have more staying power. I would submit “vibes” is one of these words. In today’s culture, according to my kiddos, “feels” is an alternative option, but in my humble-but-20th-century-tainted-opinon, not a full replacement. “Summer Vibes” is what I experienced today while paging through a Life Magazine from July 3, 1913. Patriotism flows through the vibe of Summer beginning on Memorial Day with the gratitude we all feel for the fallen heroic patriots from the past, continues through Independence Day as we reflect upon our ancestors who “brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”, and culminates on Labor Day where we honor those who have put their shoulder to the grindstone to build this great country and solidify her strength among nations. So, as we flow through the Summer with its peaceful spirit-lifting aura while soaking in all the “feels” we get from each firework, laughing child, and chirping cricket, let’s also pause now and again with grateful hearts for those who did and continue to do the hard work which allows us the lazy “vibes” of summer.

Repurposing at its best… Bindings from bound volumes…

June 26, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Nearly 50 years ago Tim Hughes stepped into the world of rare newspapers and sold an issue to his 1st collector. From the beginning, Tim and now the rest of the staff here at RareNewspapers have been helping lovers of history complete everything on their wants lists from casual interests to once in a lifetime bucket list item. As we prepare each issue for our website or catalog, we carefully work to restore it to its original condition. This task takes time and attention to detail as institutions would often combine a months or years worth of issues, binding them into volumes for easier storage (like a book). These volumes range in size from a Gentleman’s Magazine to a New York Times. In the day-to-day searching and restoring, we began to realize we had other sorts of treasures in our hands. These institutions often used beautiful bindings and whimsical paper to secure these historically valuable issues and it seemed a shame to toss the “packaging” aside. And so, we have begun to try and find people who are as delighted with the artistic beauty of these antique items as our current collectors are enthralled with the historical issues found within these well-worn bindings. Wanting to share all we do with our collecting family; we created a video to show what we are creating and now offering on Etsy.  I hope you enjoy these items as much as we do, or can at least appreciate our careful repurposing of beautiful items from a bygone era.



New Inventory ALERT: John Lennon’s Death Report from where he was killed…

June 23, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

At Rare & Early Newspapers, we often have the privilege of procuring collectible newspapers from all over the world. Usually, Tim Hughes or my husband (Guy Heilenman) will speak with a dealer, library, museum or a person who was digging through their grandparent’s attic, and before long treasures will show up on our doorstep. We feel it is a bit like Christmas. Every now and again, a seller will come to visit us and bring their issues in person. Such was the case this week when a very sweet and gracious gentleman brought us issues of the NEW YORK POST dated Dec. 9, 1980 which contained coverage of John Lennon’s tragic death at the hands of “a screwball” (see photo below). We were thrilled to procure these issues for 2 reasons. First, we now have newspapers reporting his death from both the city where he died and the city where in he born (LIVERPOOL)  – forming a truly unique 2-issue set for collectors of John Lennon/Beatles memorabilia. Secondly, while this content may not interest all of our collecting family, we are always on the hunt to expand the variety of the collectible newspapers within our archives… satisfying our continual quest to find items spanning all collectible interests.

The Legacy of Cassius Clay… Could it be in the Name?

June 19, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

While looking through an October 25, 1862 issue of Harper’s Weekly, a tiny paragraph on the 2nd page caught my eye.  Titled “NO HANGING MATTER”, this article began:Mr. Cassius M. Clay was born in a slave State, and early convinced that slavery was wrong, he has manfully advocated emancipation in Kentucky; and has been universally known as one of the most valiant of the anti02-slavery orators.” Wondering if the mother of Cassius Clay (later known as Muhammad Ali) knew the legacy with whom she was identifying when she named her baby boy, a quick bit of research online answered my question. Not only was she aware of the connection, but she purposefully chose the name because of this 1800’s abolitionist hero. Crossing both racial barriers and nearly 200 years, these 2 men both established lasting legacies.

Sometimes, the most delightful finds in our newspapers are the small, unexpected, little gems that give new insight into people of the past and the present – and in this particular instance, this “text” was discovered hiding in a title known for its illustrations.

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