‘Twas the Night Before Christmas in 1923…

December 24, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Just in from Bethlehem…

Merry Christmas from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,

compliments of The Globe, December 24, 1923!

(view previous Christmas-themed posts)

Ben Franklin – a Man of Endless Talents…

December 18, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Perhaps it is the nerdy math-loving side of me that was recently drawn to a Gentleman’s Magazine for July 1768. Years ago, I remember listening to my kids read a book from the “Step into Reading” series: “Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares”. Although this Gentleman’s Magazine lacks the colorful images of a child’s early reader, it is no less fascinating to read about a wonderful mathematical discovery of one of our country’s most brilliant & diverse minds. This gem (the plate within this London publication) would appeal to any Franklin fan or science nerd… at least it jumped out and grabbed me.

“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”…

December 13, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

The world-famous article shown below appeared in THE (New York) SUN on September 21, 1897. It is certainly one of the most challenging issues to collect as few are known to exist. It has been said this may very well be the most recognized editorial of all time. Found on page 6 and headed: “Is There a Santa Claus?”, this is the famous “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” editorial written by Francis Pharcellus Church, a sardonic Columbia College graduate & veteran Sun writer, he produced a masterpiece in fewer than 500 words.

Although the letter from Virginia and the famous response by Church have become well known (translated into 20 languages), few would know the prefacing paragraph which immediately precedes Virginia’s letter: “We take pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:…” and then Virginia’s letter and Church’s response.

The famous phrase “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…” begins the second paragraph, and the letter closes with: “…No Santa Claus!  Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.”

The press tracked Virginia until her retirement as a 70-year-old school teacher, while Church remained anonymous as the author until his death in 1906.

As for Church, he was a hardened cynic and an atheist who had little patience for superstitious beliefs, did not want to write the editorial, and refused to allow his name to be attached to the piece. More than a century later, it is the most reprinted editorial in any newspaper in the English language. This reality is a great reminder to all of us to always give our best effort, even when we don’t necessarily agree with those whom are in authority over us – moral conflicts accepted.

So, for a few brief moments let’s set aside the weight of “enlightenment” which is pressed upon us by virtue of adulthood and attempt to appreciate the sweet exchange between a “cynical” journalist and a curious, yet innocent, young girl. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL!

“Collecting Newspapers – The Basics” (Part III) – Newspaper Care…

December 11, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

We, (Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers), have been collecting and offering old and historic newspapers to the collecting community since 1976 (Tim’s first purchase was in 1975). For those who are either unfamiliar with or new to this amazing hobby, today we are kicking off a series of posts, “Collecting Newspapers – The Basics”, to serve en masse as a Primer for those interested in learning more about the collectible. This is the 3rd installment. Enjoy.

Additional information about the hobby can be found through this Blog and on the Rare Newspapers’ website.

Capturing the Vibe… Christmas 1903…

December 8, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Welcome to the 2nd post in our ongoing series “Capturing the Vibe” where we try to imagine what the world felt like to a newspaper reader from the past by immersing ourselves in their … “vibe of the day”. This month I was drawn to Illustrated Magazines as Christmas is right around the corner, and they usually offer a plethora of wintery images. 1903 was on a low shelf and so it called my name.

So, on we go with this month’s issue…


Sometimes the December 1900’s colored covers are Christmas related and sometimes they are just beautiful!


Even though the color cover wasn’t Christmassy, the inside cover was full of Winter spirit.


On a somber note, I found a fascinating article comparing Feast-days with Fast-days …  not something you hear in conversations of our days.



On a somewhat lighter note, I saw a multiple cell comic strip on “Pledges of Purity for the New Year”.




There was an article and intricate image of the New Williamsburg Bridge Christening in New York City…




A story by Robert Chambers…


and finally, a political Santa cartoon by W.A. Rogers who took over for Thomas Nast when he left Harper’s Weekly.



I count this find as an issue full of Christmas gifts!!



















“Collecting Newspapers – The Basics” (Part II) – What to Expect…

December 4, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

We, (Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers), have been collecting and offering old and historic newspapers to the collecting community since 1976 (Tim’s first purchase was in 1975). For those who are either unfamiliar with or new to this amazing hobby, today we are kicking off a series of posts, “Collecting Newspapers – The Basics”, to serve en masse as a Primer for those interested in learning more about the collectible. This is the 2nd installment. Enjoy.

Additional information about the hobby can be found through this Blog and on the Rare Newspapers’ website.