Announcing: Catalog #313 (for December, 2021) is now available…

December 3, 2021 by · Leave a Comment

Catalog 313 (for December) is now available. This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 325 new items, a selection which includes: the Battle of the Alamo, the very historic Duche letter to General Washington, Coca-Cola is sold (in an Atlanta newspaper), Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, New Jersey’s first newspaper (1781), The Oxford Gazette from 1665, the desirable beardless Lincoln issue (1860), a front page print shows Lincoln being assassinated, one of the best issues on the death of Marilyn Monroe, the funeral of Alexander Hamilton (a single sheet “extra”), the formal end of slavery: “Slavery is Abolished!”, and more.


The following links are designed to help you explore this latest edition of our catalog:


Don’t forget about this month’s DISCOUNTED ISSUES.

The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days,

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.

The October (2021) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

October 15, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the October, 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter. Hopefully you continue to find collecting/reading historic newspapers as a respite from the ongoing onslaught of troubling news which continues to consume the airwaves. So, in this regard, please enjoy the following:
Newly Added Catalog Items (nearly 50 added this week) – A selection of topics/issues include: President Lincoln formalizing Thanksgiving as a National holiday, Babe Ruth being “purchased” by the Boston Red Sox (in a Boston newspaper), the Maryland “Jew Bill”, Thomas Edison invents the phonograph, Ben Franklin’s “Morals of Chess”, an article/speech related to the extermination of Jews (1936), and more.


Twenty-Five Issues Discounted to $10 – Great for gift giving. For what its worth, in our opinion “gifting” one (or more) to yourself is acceptable. 🙂


Newly Discounted Newspapers ~ 50% off (through November 11th) – We’ve tried to include topics covering a wide-variety of collecting interests.


Did You Know? Did you know many of Walt Whitman’s poems first appeared in the newspapers of his day? We have identified a selection of newspapers which include his poetry at: WALT WHITMAN


I thoroughly enjoy historic newspapers and greatly appreciate those who have a similar passion. Thanks for collecting with us!



Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b

Announcing: Catalog #311 (for October, 2021) is now available…

October 1, 2021 by · Leave a Comment

Catalog 311 (for October) is now available. This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 350 new items, a selection which includes: the Articles of Confederation, a nice account of Lincoln’s assassination, a graphic issue on the sinking of the Titanic, George Washington is elected President, Winslow Homer’s famous ‘Snap The Whip’, Washington crosses the Delaware, an issue almost entirely devoted to the Lincoln assassination (with a print of Booth), the first newspaper published in Alaska (with Seward’s speech to the citizens of Sitka), an issue with the iconic Uncle Sam print, a Civil War broadside, the famous Hamilton and Burr duel, the creation of the United States Marine Corps, nice content on Lewis & Clark, and more.


The following links are designed to help you explore this latest edition of our catalog:


Don’t forget about this month’s DISCOUNTED ISSUES.

The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days,

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.

The September (2021) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

September 17, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the September, 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter. Please enjoy.

Newly Added Catalog Items (30 more added just this week) – some of the topics/issues include: a rare (1792) printing of what many consider Alexander Hamilton’s greatest work (“Report on Manufactures”), President Harding formalizes the United States support of creating a Jewish homeland, a Confederate newspaper from Grenada (Mississippi), the iconic cover of the Village Voice (shows Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and Timothy Leary), a graphic issue on the battle of Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 “We have forgotten God…” proclamation, a 1774 publication with the text of the “Declaration & Resolves of the First Continental Congress” (aka ‘Declaration of Colonial Rights’) in response to the hated “Intolerable” Acts by Congress, Jackie Robinson’s MLB (baseball) debut, Benjamin Franklin’s Plan for the Union (1754), and more.

Newly Discounted Newspapers ~ 50% off (through October 14th) – topics/issues include: a newspaper printed on plastic, boxing’s first world championship (with a mention of the Pony Express as a bonus, a Mormon periodical from Denmark, a French newspaper from the 1600’s, the 1778 Siege of Newport (Rhode Island) along with a map of Dominica, a report re: John Wesley in Savannah (Georgia), George Washington’s state-of-the-union address to Congress, the Jewish Year of Jubilee convention and Harding’s letter to the Jews, The Wizard of Oz debuts on television, the Death of Henry Ford, the stock market reaches 10,000 for the first time, the Battle of Tippecanoe (sorry, no Tyler too from what I can see), and more.
The Wright Brothers’ Famous Flight Encircling The Statue of Liberty (1909) – I love this collectible! I am currently reading “The Wright Brothers”, by David McCullough, and in the process was reminded of their famous flight encircling The Statue of Liberty in 1909. While we have offered the well-known Harper’s Weekly issue which covered this event, I was inspired to explore our archives to see if we had coverage in one of our titles – and voilà, not only did we have coverage, we found it in an original newspaper from New York… with multiple photos to boot. What fun! I immediately read the report and compared it to McCollough’s description of this historic event. Analysis? Spot On!
If interested, the following links provide a glimpse of our discovery:

Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b

Announcing: Catalog #310 (for September, 2021) is now available…

September 3, 2021 by · Leave a Comment

Catalog 310 (for September) is now available. This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 300 new items, a selection which includes: the “Handshake of the Century” (between Jackie Robinson & George Shuba), Edmund Burke’s historic: On American Taxation… First Continental Congress’ appeal, Nice front page reporting on the Custer Massacre, Progressive “Bull Moose” Party is founded in 1912, New York City’s Graffiti artists, “The North Star” becomes “Frederick Douglass’ Paper”, the first convention of clubs: the birth of organized baseball, Lincoln steps upon the national stage… The Cooper Union speech, Synagogues hold memorial services… with much on the assassination & funeral of Lincoln, Extremely early mention of George Washington… French & Indian War, the full text of the Louisiana Purchase, the formation of the Mormon Church, the first full-fledged Broadway musical, and more, and more.


The following links are designed to help you explore this latest edition of our catalog:


Don’t forget about this month’s DISCOUNTED ISSUES.

The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days,

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.

Announcing: Catalog #309 (for August, 2021) is now available…

July 30, 2021 by · Leave a Comment

Catalog 309 (for August) is now available. This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 300 new items, a selection which includes: an American broadside with King’s announcement of American freedom, a Philadelphia newspaper from 1729, the Emancipation Proclamation in the N.Y. Herald, a terrific & very graphic issue on the Hindenburg disaster, Don Larsen’s World Series perfect game, front page report on the death of Jesse James, and more.


The following links are designed to help you explore this latest edition of our catalog:


Don’t forget about this month’s DISCOUNTED ISSUES.

The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days,

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.

The June (2021) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

June 18, 2021 by · 2 Comments 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the June, 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we’ve added nearly 150 items to our list of discounted issues (50% off), a slew of new items to our most recently released catalog, a host of new posts to the History’s Newsstand Blog, and more. Please enjoy.
Catalog 307 – Enjoy both the remaining items from the initial release of our latest catalog of historic newspapers along with a set of newly added items:
  • Newly Added Items (updated just today) – some of the noteworthy (newly added) issues include: Captain Wirz – “The ‘demon’ jailer of Andersonville Prison”, the Gunfight at the OK Corral, the Spindletop oil discovery, multiple issues of Puck (great color covers), private letters of Daniel Webster, Brown vs. Board of Education, Blacks to have rights of citizenship in New York (1785), Adolf Hitler opens the 1936 Summer Olympics, Rabbis reject Palestine as Jewish homeland (?), William Wilberforce and the slave trade, the plan for a colonial town in America (1770), and more.
Discounted Newspapers ~ 50% off – Nearly 150 additional items have been added to our set of discounted newspapers – priced (as shown at 50% off). Although offered at a discount, the set certainly includes some gems. Some of the topics/issues include: a print of the Wright Brothers’ airplane, “the counting of slaves” in 1863, uncovering “The Holocaust”, an evening with Thomas Edison, a review of “King Kong”, the deaths of Tommy Dorsey, Knute Rockne, Jonathan Swift, Grace Moore (the Tennessee Nightingale), and Al Capone, among others.
History’s Newsstand Blog – A sampling of recent posts include:

Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b

Announcing: Catalog #306 (for May, 2021) is now available…

April 30, 2021 by · Leave a Comment

Catalog 306 (for May) is now available. This latest offering of authentic newspapers is comprised of more than 300 new items, a selection which includes: the Declaration of Independence (in a newspaper), the Lincoln/Douglas debate (in an Illinois newspaper), the ‘closest’ to the famous Nathan Hale quote to be found, one of the best Lusitania issues we have offered, Washington’s third state-of-the-union address, the first depiction of a baseball game in progress in any periodical, and more.


The following links are designed to help you explore this latest edition of our catalog:


Don’t forget about this month’s DISCOUNTED ISSUES.

The links above will redirect to the latest catalog in approx. 30 days,

upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.

The April (2021) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

April 19, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the September 2020 edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we’d like to bring your attention to the following:

An Expanded Set of Discounted Newspapers – 50% Off

Approximately 150 historic newspapers have been discounted by 50%. The prices shown reflect the discount. Included are:  Thomas Nast Santa illustrations, 19th century western Colorado, assassination of Jack “Machine Gun” McGurn, the Rosenbergs found guilty, Babe Ruth’s last homerun as a Yankee, Nadia Comaneci scores a perfect 10, Bing Crosby’s death, and more.

New Items Added to January’s Catalog

Since Catalog 302 went to print we’ve added approximately 50 additional items. Some of the topics/issues include: a mid-1700’s map of Eastern Canada, Convicts shipped off to America and Oglethorpe before the founding Georgia in the same issue, several different rare Confederate newspapers, George Washington rejects an honor and the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in the same American issue, a Philip Burke caricature of Donald Trump, and more.

Catalog 302

Speaking of the catalog, some links which you may find useful include:
Key Issues from Catalog 302
Catalog 302 (in “Quick Scan” format)
Catalog 302 – Priced under $50


History’s Newsstand


Newly Discovered Items

Items which have been listed on our website within the last 30 days.


Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b
See what’s happening on our social sites

The April (2021) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

April 16, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Monthly Newsletter ~ Rare & Early Newspapers

Welcome to the April 2021 edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we’d like to bring your attention to the following:

An Expanded Set of Discounted Newspapers – 50% Off

Approximately 200 historic newspapers have been discounted by 50%. The prices shown reflect the discount. Included are: the Dalton Gang is “wiped out”, the death of Martha Washington, a broadsheet-extra re: the attempted assassination of President Garfield, the Supreme Court’s outlawing of prayer in public schools, and more.

New Items Added to April’s Catalog

Since Catalog 305 went to print we’ve added approximately 50 additional items. Some of the topics/issues include: a Frank Leslie’s Illustrated issue on the hanging of the “Lincoln Conspirators”, Babe Ruth as a Baltimore Oriole (quite rare), a hard-to-find 1840 campaign newspaper, the “fixed” boxing match between Jack Johnson and Jess Willard – 26 rounds, a great map of Jamaica in 1762, and more.

Catalog 305

Speaking of the catalog, some links which you may find useful include:

Key Issues from Catalog 305

Catalog 305 (in “Quick Scan” format)

Catalog 305 – Priced under $50

History’s Newsstand

Newly Discovered Items

Items which have been listed on our website within the last 30 days.


Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b
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