Contest/drawing… humorous nuggets…

October 14, 2010 by · 1 Comment 

Over the years, while searching for key content within our newspaper archives, we inevitably have found articles, images, headlines, anecdotes, etc. which are quite humorous.  Many such snippets have appeared on the History’s Newsstand blog and may be viewed at:

What about you?  Have you found a little comic relief within your personal collection? If so, we would love for you to share your most humorous discovery (or discoveries) with the Rare Newspapers collecting community – and receive a reward for doing so.  There are several ways to participate:

1) post the text of your newspaper anecdote, article, headline, etc. directly on the blog as a comment to this post.

2) post a scan/photo of  your newspaper anecdote, article, headline, image,  etc. directly on the blog as a comment to this post.

3) send the text or photo of your entry to, and we will post it for you.

You may submit as many entries as you wish, through Thursday, October 31st.  Everyone who makes a submission will receive a coupon for 10% off a future website order at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers.  However, we will also have a random drawing for three winners whom will also receive $50 gift certificates for use at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers.  Why draw at random as opposed to selecting the most humorous?  What one may find to be funny, another may not.

A time to have fun and to gather perspective…

July 16, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Earlier this week Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sent a newsletter to their members which contained a fun contest and a little food for thought.  Based on member feedback, we thought the History’s Newsstand subscribers might also enjoy the newsletter (especially items 1, 2, and 6).

Newsletter (sent to members on July 14, 2009)

Dear Friends of Rare Newspapers,

Welcome to the July 2009 edition of our monthly newsletter.  In an effort to counter (or at least soften) the pervasively negative economic/political tone which seems to be swirling about from every direction, we’d like to offer a few diversions (see items 1, 2, and 6 below).  Please enjoy!

1.  A New Scavenger Hunt – The History’s Newsstand Blog exists to serve those interested in the rare newspapers collectible.  For the next 7 days we would like to encourage our members to go “scavenger hunting” at the blog.  We’ve placed an image (see below) at the bottom of one of the posted articles which includes a discount code below the image (as a caption).  This code may be entered at checkout at to receive 20% off any website order, no matter how large or small.  The code, if found, may be shared with friends, but it may only be used toward website listings (not eBay or custom quotes), and it may not be used in conjunction with any other discount code (new customer, new member, premium member, etc.).  Have fun!  Read the articles.  Enjoy!!!  The image to be “unearthed” is:

(the contest image looks identical to the above image)

2.  Blog Posts from History’s Newsstand with a humorous edge may be accessed at:

3.  The Most Recent Offering – Catalog 164 (just released) – Over 300 newly listed hand-picked issues may be viewed/purchased at:

4.  Discounted Items – From now until July 31st, we have a selection of issues which have been discounted by 20% (price shown reflects the discount).  The “theme” of these items is 20th century “Displayable” issues.  They may be viewed at:

5.  Timely eBay/website listings:

Moon Landing (on eBay)

Stock Market Crash (on the website)

Abraham Lincoln (on eBay)

Public Enemies, Gangsters, etc. (on the website)

6.  Food for Thought – Concerning Our Current Economic and Political Environment (source: wikipedia):

“This too shall pass” (Hebrew: גם זה יעבור‎, gam zeh yaavor) is a phrase occurring in a Jewish wisdom folktale involving King Solomon. The phrase is commonly engraved on silver rings.

Many versions of the folktale have been recorded by the Israel Folklore Archive at the University of Haifa. Heda Jason recorded this version told by David Franko from Turkey:

“One day Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring to me. I wish to wear it for Sukkot which gives you six months to find it.” “If it exists anywhere on earth, your majesty,” replied Benaiah, “I will find it and bring it to you, but what makes the ring so special?” “It has magic powers,” answered the king. “If a happy man looks at it, he becomes sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he becomes happy.” Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility. Spring passed and then summer, and still Benaiah had no idea where he could find the ring. On the night before Sukkot, he decided to take a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem. He passed by a merchant who had begun to set out the day’s wares on a shabby carpet. “Have you by any chance heard of a magic ring that makes the happy wearer forget his joy and the broken-hearted wearer forget his sorrows?” asked Benaiah. He watched the grandfather take a plain gold ring from his carpet and engrave something on it. When Benaiah read the words on the ring, his face broke out in a wide smile. That night the entire city welcomed in the holiday of Sukkot with great festivity. “Well, my friend,” said Solomon, “have you found what I sent you after?” All the ministers laughed and Solomon himself smiled. To everyone’s surprise, Benaiah held up a small gold ring and declared, “Here it is, your majesty!” As soon as Solomon read the inscription, the smile vanished from his face. The jeweler had written three Hebrew letters on the gold band: gimel, zayin, yud, which began the words “Gam zeh ya’avor” — “This too shall pass.” At that moment Solomon realized that all his wisdom and fabulous wealth and tremendo us power were but fleeting things, for one day he would be nothing but dust.”

The phrase “This too shall pass” and the associated ring story were made popular by Abraham Lincoln in his ‘Address Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin’ on September 30, 1859.

“It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: “And this, too, shall pass away.” How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

Best wishes,

Guy & The Rare Newspapers Staff

If you’d like to become a member of “Rare Newspapers” (free), you’re invited to sign-up at: