December 6, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
What news was reported in the month of December – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, August, Jewish, Judaica
November 12, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
What news was reported in the month of November – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, August
October 4, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
The Modern Samson ~ Harper’s Weekly ~ October 3, 1868
What news was reported in the month of October – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, August
September 7, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of September – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, August
August 9, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of August – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, August
August 6, 2018 by The Traveler · Leave a Comment
I journeyed today to London, England, by the way of The London Gazette of August 6, 1668. I found an article “Yesterday arrived the Concord of this place in 6 weeks from Barbado’s [sic], from whence the came in company of about 20 sail of Merchant Ships under the Convoy of the Dover and Assurance Fregates. They tell us that the Inhabitants of Bridgetown are busily employing themselves for materials for the rebuilding of that place, and have emploied many ships for the transpiration of timer from New England.”
In reading about Bridgetown on Wikipedia, I found that Bridgetown is the only place outside the present United States that George Washington visited (he did so in 1751). He was 19 at the time and his half-brother Lawrence Washington went along with him. The George Washington House still stands and is on their historic registry.
~The Traveler
July 23, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of July – 50 (1958), 100 (1918), 150 (1868), 200 (1818), and 250 (1768) years ago? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, July
June 7, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of June – 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 years ago (1968, 1918, 1868, 1818, 1768)? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, June
May 3, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of May – 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 years ago (1968, 1918, 1868, 1818, 1768)? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, May
April 9, 2018 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment

What news was reported in the month of April – 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 years ago (1968, 1918, 1868, 1818, 1768)? Such a walk back through time via the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following links will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the stroll.
Filed under: Collecting Newspapers, Colonial, Great Headlines, Harper's Weekly, Illustrated Newspapers, Newspaper Collecting Ideas, Old West Era, Post Civil War, Pre Civil War, The 1500's - 1700's, The 1600's, The 1700's, The 19th Century, The 20th & 21st Centuries, The Hobby
Tagged: 1668, 1718, 1768, 1818, 1868, 1918, 1968, march
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