Contest/drawing… humorous nuggets…

October 14, 2010 by  
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Over the years, while searching for key content within our newspaper archives, we inevitably have found articles, images, headlines, anecdotes, etc. which are quite humorous.  Many such snippets have appeared on the History’s Newsstand blog and may be viewed at:

What about you?  Have you found a little comic relief within your personal collection? If so, we would love for you to share your most humorous discovery (or discoveries) with the Rare Newspapers collecting community – and receive a reward for doing so.  There are several ways to participate:

1) post the text of your newspaper anecdote, article, headline, etc. directly on the blog as a comment to this post.

2) post a scan/photo of  your newspaper anecdote, article, headline, image,  etc. directly on the blog as a comment to this post.

3) send the text or photo of your entry to, and we will post it for you.

You may submit as many entries as you wish, through Thursday, October 31st.  Everyone who makes a submission will receive a coupon for 10% off a future website order at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers.  However, we will also have a random drawing for three winners whom will also receive $50 gift certificates for use at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers.  Why draw at random as opposed to selecting the most humorous?  What one may find to be funny, another may not.

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One Response to “Contest/drawing… humorous nuggets…”

  1. Todd Andrlik on October 15th, 2010 10:55 am

    The chance of getting a good wife in 1755, a humorous newspaper discovery from the April 7, 1755 issue of the New York Gazette (click here to read the article). Enjoy.

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