Announcing: Catalog #259 (for June, 2017) is now available…

June 1, 2017 by  
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Rare Newspapers’ monthly offering of collectible newspapers, Catalog 259, is now available. This latest collection of authentic newspapers is comprised of nearly 350 new items. Some of the noteworthy content includes:

• Anti-slavery periodical by Frederick Douglass
• Treaty of peace ending the Revolutionary War
• Perhaps the best issue on the end of the Civil War
• Historic printing of the Star Spangled Banner
• Graphic issue on the Lincoln assassination
• Perhaps the finest baseball print in a periodical

To view the above key issues and a whole lot more, go to: Catalog 259

(The catalog links shown above will redirect to the latest catalog in approximately 30 days.)

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2 Responses to “Announcing: Catalog #259 (for June, 2017) is now available…”

  1. John Heller on June 2nd, 2017 5:25 am

    I own Would you be interested in buying it from me? Instead of cash, we could negotiate an old newspaper or two from around 1776.
    I think this is my 10th annual request I’ve sent to you, but you have never replied. I looked up your email address in and I believe from this website I’m looking at now. Anyway, I hope this year you will reply.

    John Heller

  2. GuyHeilenman on June 8th, 2017 11:16 am

    Hello John – Thank you, but we are not interesting in adding additional domains.

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