The January (2018) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…
January 19, 2018 by GuyHeilenman
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Each month the staff of Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sends out a newsletter to our members which includes special offers, discounts, alerts to new inventory, and information related to the rare newspaper collectible.
The January, 2018 newsletter:
Welcome to the January edition of our member’s newsletter. As I type, the musical “The Greatest Showman” is taking the world by storm. What the film lacks in detail regarding P.T. Barnum is certainly more than made up by its message and depiction of his passion for performance. Below please find a link to period newspapers containing related ads, images, and stories of and/or by this extraordinary man, along with many of his performers: Jenny Lind, Tom Thumb, etc.. Also please find a new set of issues priced at 25% off, a link to new listings, a link to the previous discount (items priced at 75% off) which has been extended for a few days, the remaining issues from our recent catalog, and some of the more recent posts to the History’s Newsstand blog. Enjoy.
P.T. Barnum Related – Newspapers containing related ads, images, and stories of this extraordinary man and/or his performers: Jenny Lind, Tom Thumb, etc., including a few that clearly reflect some of what appears in the movie., The Greatest Showman.
Discounted Newspapers (New Items – 20% off) Nearly 150 items have been discounted by 20% through February 14, 2018. The items already reflect the discount.
Catalog 266 – Enjoy the remaining items from our latest catalog of historic newspapers.
Recent Listings – Over 700 items have been listed within the last 20 days, many of which will never appear in catalogs. They may be viewed at: Recent Listings
History’s Newsstand Blog – Some of the recent posts include: “An Alternative to Capital Punishment Explored in the 1700’s,” “Life-perspective from 50, 100, 150+ years ago – 2018 edition,” “The Traveler… the King celebrates,” and “Sometimes it’s what’s missing that catches the eye… Alaska.” These and more may be viewed at History’s Newsstand Blog
Thanks for collecting with us.
Guy & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team
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