The March (2018) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

March 16, 2018 by  
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Each month the staff of Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sends out a newsletter to our members which includes special offers, discounts, alerts to new inventory, and information related to the rare newspaper collectible.

The March, 2018 newsletter:

Welcome to the March edition of our member’s newsletter. This month we have a new set of issues being offered at a discount (50% off), an early look at an extremely rare hand-written Confederate camp newspaper, an offer for a free issue, and links to our most recent posts. Please enjoy.

Free Issue – Through March 31st, while supplies last, we are offering a free issue (only pay S&H – which could be free) of the Gentleman’s Magazine dated from 1819 to 1839. We have up to 25 issues to offer. Please, only one per customer: The Gentleman’s Magazine (free)


A Handwritten Confederate Camp Newspaper – We’ve recently acquired an extremely rare newspaper: The Stonewall Register


Discounted Newspapers (50% off) Nearly 200 items have been *discounted by 50% through April 12, 2018. The items already reflect the discount.


Catalog 268 – Enjoy the remaining items from our latest catalog of historic newspapers.


Recent Listings – Over 700 items have been listed within the last 20 days, many of which will never appear in catalogs. They may be viewed at: Recent Listings


History’s Newsstand Blog – Some of the recent posts include: “Great Headlines Speak For Themselves… Malcolm X assassinated,” “March thru time (50, 100, 150, 200, & 250 years ago) – 2018 edition,” “The Traveler… impeachment begins,” “Who’s Who in Newspapers? Joseph A. Turner edition,” “The Traveler… Notre Dame hires a new coach, but didn’t get his name right,” and more. These and more may be viewed at History’s Newsstand Blog

Thanks for collecting with us.


Guy & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

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