Welcome to the first newsletter for 2023. Shown below are links to items added to the January catalog after it went to print, recent posts on the History’s Newsstand Blog, a new set of Discounted Newspapers (50% off), and in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy, a link to issues containing slavery-themed articles and/or ads. Please enjoy.
A new set of issues have been reduced in price by 50% through February 16th. To view all discounted issues (priced as shown), go to:
Discounted Newspapers
Since the release of our most recent catalog, we have added a host of new items which did not appear within the hard-copy version. These “bonus” items may be viewed at:
Newly Added Catalog Items
All remaining items from January’s catalog may be viewed at:
Catalog 326
History’s Newsstand Blog – A selection of some of the recent posts on our History’s Newsstand Blog are:
From Dreams to Reality… Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Paves the Way…
WNEP TV turns the spotlight on Rare & Early Newspapers…
Scientific American’s “Not So Bright” (?) Ideas…
Snapshot 1982… A “Feel Good” Story to Kick-Off the New Year…
Harper’s Weekly… A Journal of Civilization…
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy, this month we are featuring newspapers containing slavery-themed ads and/or articles. They may be viewed at:
“Lest We Forget” – Slavery-Themed Content