The October (2019) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

October 22, 2019 by  
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Each month the staff of Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sends out a newsletter to our members which includes special offers, discounts, alerts to new inventory, and information related to the rare newspaper collectible.

The October, 2019 newsletter:

Welcome to the October 2019 edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we’ve added nearly 150 items to last month’s discounted issues – all priced at 50% off. Additional highlights include: newly listed items, an assortment of posts from the History’s Newsstand Blog, a set of links to issues from Catalog 287, and “Items of Special Interest.” Please enjoy!


Newly Discounted Items
Nearly 150 new items have been added to last month’s set of discounted issues – all priced down by 50% through November 12th. The prices shown reflect the discount. Please enjoy: Newly Discounted Items


Catalog 287
A number of items were added to our catalog since it went to print. The links below will take you to various portions of the catalog:
Items of Special Interest at (our website):
Items of Special Interest at History’s Newsstand (our eBay store):
History’s Newsstand
This month rather than focusing on stand-alone posts, we are highlighting those which appear in ongoing columns:
Newly Discovered/Listed Items
Items which have been listed on our website within the last 30 days can be found at: Newly Discovered/Listed Items
Thanks for collecting with us.



Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

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