The February (2020) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

February 17, 2020 by  
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Each month the staff of Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sends out a newsletter to our members which includes special offers, discounts, alerts to new inventory, and information related to the rare newspaper collectible.

The February, 2020 newsletter:

Our most recent newsletter is as follows:

Welcome to the February Newsletter from Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers. Whereas typically a newsletter would focus on Newly Discounted Items (50% off through March 12th), the remaining items from our current catalog (Catalog 281), new posts on the History’s Newsstand Blog, under-the-radar listings which are quite desirable (such as those with Botany Bay and/or Captain Cook content), New Items (outstanding listed after Catalog 291 was released), etc., this month we’d like to bring your attention to three special offerings:
like to bring your attention to three special offerings:

  • A Snapshot in Time – May, 1863 – featuring the Battle of Chancellorsville and the wounding and death of Stonewall Jackson.
  • An incredible issue on the Bombing of Hiroshima – book-ending the beginning an end of American involvement in World War 2 – the first of its kind we have ever had. Note: The most desirable issue regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor is the key report in The Honolulu Star Bulletin. The Bombing of Hiroshima issue in question is a dramatic report on the bombing in this same title.
  • A Free Newspaper – We are offering up to 25 free newspapers from London dated in 1790 – an original printed over 2 1/4 centuries ago. All we ask is for you to pay S&H (standard S&H criteria applies).
Of course this isn’t to say the Newly Discounted Items (50% off through March 12th), the remaining items from our current catalog (Catalog 281), new posts on the History’s Newsstand Blog, under-the-radar listings which are quite desirable (such as those with Botany Bay and/or Captain Cook content), New Items (outstanding listed after Catalog 291 was released), etc., are not worth exploring. 🙂

Thanks for collecting with us.Sincerely,

Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers . . .
           . . . History’s Newsstand
“…desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.” Hebrews 13:18b
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Thanks for collecting with us.



Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

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