The reason I collected it: Ai Anglo Sacsun…
August 19, 2024 by TimHughes · Leave a Comment
Sometimes stepping outside the normal categories of historic, rare, or early when it comes to collecting newspapers can turn up some intriguing items. The odd, strange, unusual, and outright bizarre can be attractive additions as well.
The Ai Anglo Sacsun fits that bill.
This newspaper attempted to exploit a movement to spell words phonetically, just as they sounded. So their motto in the dateline is: “Devoted Tu Ai Difyushun ov Nolej and Nuz, Tru Ai Medium of Fonotipi, or the Tru System ov Spelin Wurdz As Iz, Just Az ae are Pronnst.” (difficult to translate as they use some characters not in the traditional alphabet. Their alphabet is found on page 3).
The entire issue has various articles spelled phonetically, making it difficult to read. Otherwise the layout is much like other newspapers of the era, with a very decorative masthead.
Obviously a movement that never caught on. Yet it produced a fascinating newspaper worthy of collecting.
Just for fun! “Historical” Crossword Puzzle from 1931…
February 24, 2023 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
We all have different interests. For example, some love to immerse themselves in history, while others prefer to plunge into crossword puzzles. But what about those who enjoy both? Can one explore the past by engaging in what I will call a (okay, “an”) historical crossword puzzle? It’s one thing to absorb a lot of knowledge about a particular time in history – and perusing through Rare & Early Newspapers from the period can certainly help the adventurer grasp how those who lived at the time perceived the world around them. However, learning to think as they did may be next to impossible. Language, available knowledge, education emphasis, social norms and variances, along with a plethora of other aspects of culture all combine to shape the way we think – and too much has changed. The quest to do so falls under the same umbrella as trying to walk in someone else’s shoes. For the sake of understanding we can do our best, but in the end, we know that while our efforts may be admirable, we can never come close to achieving the task.
Ok… too much seriousness for one post. Let’s have fun trying to think like someone who lived in the early 1930’s by indulging in a crossword puzzle printed in a Liberty (magazine), New York, dated January 31, 1931. I hope you enjoy the challenge.
Note: The answers can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post. If you enjoy the adventure, let me know at If enough respond affirmatively, we’ll post another from a different year.
Link to Answers
If we only new just how close… But what we don’t no won’t hurt us…
July 21, 2016 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Have you ever tried to be ind to someone or to treat them like an ing? Does your house have an itchen and do people need to nock before they enter? Have you ever seen a football player run back an ickoff for a touchdown or a boxer ock-out his opponent with a single punch? Thanks to the impassioned early 19th century arguments in defense of keeping the letter “K” in our alphabet, the answer to all the above is an emphatic “no”. Of course we are left with the tension created by “know” vs. “no” and “knew” vs. “new”, but such stressors are a small price to pay for being able to get down on one knee to propose or to greet a loved one with a kiss. I for one are sure glad we ept it! The complete article may be read at: The Port Folio, May 23, 1801.
The worst kind of “ism”…
March 31, 2016 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
“Isms” can be found everywhere – in politics, medicine, psychology, religion, etc.. If you suffer from something, believe something, or think something, or have a habit of doing something, there is likely an “ism” to cover it. A March 17, 1862 issue of the Kansas State Journal included a humorous item with a religious flare poking fun at “isms” while at the same time softly admonishing the common practice of assuming the worst in others (antithesisofloveism?). What initially caught my attention was the term “socinianism” -an “ism” which until now was unbeknownst to me. Enjoy (or ponder):