Journalists at Their Gritty Best…
October 25, 2024 by Laura Heilenman · Leave a Comment
Fair or not, the journalists of today have taken a substantial hit in terms of credibility. However, at least for some, the cred-deficit has been well-earned. We have to look far and wide to find an “old school”, gritty, gutsy reporter who pounds the sidewalks and knocks on doors to get the scoop. Nowadays it is easier to visualize them lounging at a Starbucks with their laptop, a latte and headphones blocking out the public noise, hoping to discover an early mention of an event through the news sources which match their societal bent. Unfortunately, this taints the reputations of those who take the road less travelled. However, “back in the day”, those who went the extra mile and physically climbed up hills and down dales was more the norm. Case in point (from during the Civil War): The journalists of THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL from Jackson, Mississippi.
Below Wikipedia gives an interesting look at this historic paper’s origin story.
“The Commercial Appeal traces its heritage to the 1839 publication, The Western World & Memphis Banner of the Constitution. Bought by Col. Henry Van Pelt in 1840, it was renamed The Memphis Appeal. During the American Civil War, the Appeal was one of the major newspapers serving the Southern cause. On June 6, 1862, the presses and plates were loaded into a boxcar and published from Grenada, Mississippi. The Appeal later journeyed on to Jackson, Mississippi, Meridian, Mississippi, Atlanta, Georgia, Montgomery, Alabama and finally Columbus, Georgia, where the plates were destroyed on April 16, 1865, temporarily halting publication days before the Confederate surrender. The press was hidden and saved, and publication resumed in Memphis, using it, on November 5, 1865.” ~ WIKI
Now that’s what I call gritty, gutsy journalism.
The worst kind of “ism”…
March 31, 2016 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
“Isms” can be found everywhere – in politics, medicine, psychology, religion, etc.. If you suffer from something, believe something, or think something, or have a habit of doing something, there is likely an “ism” to cover it. A March 17, 1862 issue of the Kansas State Journal included a humorous item with a religious flare poking fun at “isms” while at the same time softly admonishing the common practice of assuming the worst in others (antithesisofloveism?). What initially caught my attention was the term “socinianism” -an “ism” which until now was unbeknownst to me. Enjoy (or ponder):