This Month in History – February…
February 3, 2025 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Today “This Month in History” turns the spotlight on the shortest month of the year – February. While searching through the available newspapers in order to select one to use as the representative photo, my initial short-list of possibilities included newspapers featuring coverage of the St. Valentine’s Day massacre in Chicago, the sinking of the Battleship Maine (which led to the Spanish-American War), the Death of Geronimo, the assassination of Malcolm X, and similar. As I pondered which to pick, it occurred to me all of my selections were focused on the reporting of “bad news”. Wishing to take a different approach, I searched again for reports of positive events and discovered coverage of the passage of the 15th Amendment, the founding of The Boy Scouts of America, Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, one with a mention of the opening of the first publicly funded school in the U.S., Abraham Lincoln’s famous “Cooper Union” speech, and more. Finally, after much consideration, I landed on the perfect choice – a newspaper announcing…
If you think this was a poor or inappropriate selection you probably haven’t seen the movie. While it may not be anywhere close to the most important, historic, or “collectible” newspaper published in the month of February, it nails the age-old proverb regarding a cure for much of what ails us: “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22).
So, as you take a gander at the list of newspapers published in the month of February, although a smidge belated, the Rare & Early Newspapers Family wishes you a cheerful and healthy New Year!