Obtaining the Value of a Newspaper or Collection…
May 12, 2016 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
We do not monitor requests concerning the value of newspapers through this venue – but we would be glad to assist. If you have a newspaper or a collection for which you are seeking an appraisal, please contact us directly at info@rarenewspapers.com. Please include as many details as possible. Thanks.
I need more than just the headline…
May 10, 2010 by TimHughes · 1 Comment
We get many emails and phone calls requesting values of newspapers found in attics, given by friends, or purchased at a yard sale, etc. We try to be as helpful as possible and ask for photos if they use email. This almost comical photo came in the other day–apparently with the thought that the headline was all we needed to see to determine a value. As you might imagine, we need to see more…..