Since History Often Repeats Itself, the Past Can be an Excellent Teacher…

July 22, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Why does the saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, ring true? Perhaps it’s because of another saying, “History repeats itself”. We see this tandem of truths play out over-and-over again as we look through historic newspapers and see the headlines of today emblazed on the old worn pages of yesteryear. Below is a vivid example of this truth as shown in a FRANK LESLIE’S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 10, 1885. When compared side by side with a BBC article from 130+ years later, we can see the waves of history crash on the beach of time in the same way and with a similar impact on humanity. If we hope to see the storms of the future coming in time to make ready, perhaps we should study the past a bit more closely.


Innocence… Flag Day 1921

June 14, 2018 by · Leave a Comment 

One of the understated, yet profound beauties of the American experiment is self-government is not that everything is perfect; rather, its the built in mechanisms which enable peaceful positive change over time. At time the wheels of progress move all-too-slowly, but they move. The presence of political and social tension are not signs of weakness, but are part and parcel of how we function in a (hopefully) civil, free society. For most the flag represents not perfection – but the ideals which provide avenues for change. It is with these thoughts in mind in the face of current tensions that I was struck by the innocence of the moment captured on the front page of The Omaha Sunday Bee’s Rotogravure Section for June 12, 1921. Something about it seems pure and right. Whether you agree, or agree to disagree, perhaps a day will come when our children, or our children’s children, will pay the ultimate sacrifice to protect our right to do so. Happy Flag Day!