Jack the Ripper’s Identity Revealed?
September 27, 2013 by GuyHeilenman · 1 Comment
While many are familiar with Jack the Ripper and are aware that his actual identity has never been confirmed, what may be surprising to some is how many “false alarms” have surfaced over the years. William Henry Bury is such an individual… or is he? An internet search will return much concerning this potential “Ripper”. I wonder if this case will ever be resolved to any degree of certainty??? Please enjoy the following report found in the Kansas City Daily Journal for February 12, 1889:
Rare Newspapers found on the National Geographic Channel…
April 16, 2011 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Early this month National Geographic Channel surfers had the opportunity to add an authentic 19th century London Times with a report regarding Jack the Ripper to their personal collection, for no cost. Three issues from the Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers Archives had been donated for use as prizes in the latest Mission Expedition featured on the National Geographic Channel’s website. Although the “expedition” is over, the website shows great behind the scenes footage of how the project was created. These interactive walks into the past also provide wonderful opportunities to engage young budding historians. To view the footage, go to: National Geographic Channel: Mission Expedition. the next expedition will be in October of 2011.