The Village Voice… The Heart of the 60’s-70’s Anti-Establishment Youth Culture…
September 19, 2022 by LauraH · Leave a Comment
Most newspaper collectors know that when reporting historical events, a title’s location can dramatically impact the value of an issue. As an example:
HERALD EXAMINER–EXTRA, Los Angeles, Nov. 22, 1963 … nice issue.
THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Nov. 23, 1963… a whole different story!
However, at times the content a collector would like is more defined by the heart of the culture than the location of a specific event. So, it is with much of American music from the 50’s through the 80’s. Greenwich Village was often seen as one of the ground-zero centers of the creative (but edgy) youth culture during this era, so finding content on The Beatles, Bob Dylan or even The Rolling Stones in The Village Voice is especially noteworthy – often giving the reader a whole new perspective on the “culture shapers”, or dare I say “influencers” of their day. I wonder where the epicenters of todays’ music are located?