Great Headlines Speak For Themselves… O.J. Simpson not guilty…

May 14, 2018 by  
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The best headlines need no commentary. Such is the case with the LOS ANGELES TIMES, EXTRA, California, October 3, 1995: “Simpson Not Guilty, He Is Freed After 15 Months in Jail”

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2 Responses to “Great Headlines Speak For Themselves… O.J. Simpson not guilty…”

  1. Thomas Taylor on February 1st, 2020 10:16 pm

    I have 3 of these are they with anything?

  2. GuyHeilenman on July 22nd, 2020 9:28 am

    Hello Thomas – Please forgive the delay in my response, but we do not monitor such questions from here. If you are still looking for an answer, feel free to send us information regarding what you have to Thanks for your understanding.

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