A quiet title…

February 20, 2010 by  
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World War II “camp” newspapers, produced by the various military units around the world, had some interesting titles (see our post of January 11). One of the more interesting is the “SSHHH” (see below).

I would suspect there was some secrecy with work of the unit which produced this newspaper, given the title and there being no city or town of publication noted. The only clue that it was produced overseas is the note at the bottom of the front page: “This edition musts not be sent home.”

An interesting newspaper title worth sharing.

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One Response to “A quiet title…”

  1. Tim Hughes on February 7th, 2013 8:57 am

    An eBay consignor recently provided some helpful information on the mystery of this interesting title. He notes:
    “Hello Tim, I recently noticed in your website an article about the WWII field newspaper, “THE SSHHH”- a mysterious paper with no place of origin indicated. I have the answer to the mystery – I currently have listed for auction on ebay a 1944 letter from the editor of “THE SSHHH” – writing from HQ of the 46th Division, CMF (Central Mediterranean Force – British) in Italy. The newspaper was the paper of the 46th Division. He writes that the security people have clamped down and forbid copies of the paper from being sent home (which would account for the statement on your copy of the paper which states this fact), and also notes that they can no longer call themselves “The Oak”, apparently the paper’s previous title, changed to “The Sshhh” to reflect the heightened security!”

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