The Traveler… they’ve got your number…

June 5, 2017 by · Leave a Comment 

blog-6-5-2016-wwi-draftI journeyed today to New York City by means of the New York Tribune dated June 5, 1917. There I found the bold headline announce “10,000,000 Men Will Register To-day for Army of 625,000”.  “The nation’s roll of honor of 10,000,000 names will be compiled to-day. Every man between the ages of 21 and 31, whether eligible for military service ore exempt, in each of the forty-eight states of the Union, is required by the selective draft law to go to the regular polling place in his election district and register his name, date of birth and such other information as authorities require…”. This was the beginning of the draft for World War I.

~The Traveler


The Traveler… marching off to war…

April 3, 2017 by · Leave a Comment 

blog-4-3-2017-wwiToday’s journey took me to New York City where I found The New York Times of April 3, 1917 had a dreadful headline… “President Calls For War Declaration, Stronger Navy, New Army of 500,000 Men, Full Co-Operation with German’s Foes”. “At 8:30 o’clock tonight the United States virtually made its entrance into the war. At that hour President Wilson appeared before a joint session of the senate and House and invited it to consider the fact that Germany had been making war upon us and to take action in recognition of that fact…”

Enough said.

~The Traveler

The Traveler… the beginning of war…

August 4, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-8-4-1914-WWIToday I traveled back to August 5, 1914 by the way of The Omaha Daily Bee Extra. There I found the banner headline announcing “Great Britain and Germany to War”. For the past few months, things have been unsettled in Europe, however in just the past few days it had now escalated after Germany had invaded the neutral countries of Belgium and Luxembourg as they were advancing towards France causing Great Britain to join in. Still at this point, “Neutrality of the United States in the great European war was formally proclaimed today by President Wilson…”. However we know that did not hold true as we joined the war in 1917.

~The Traveler