The Traveler… giving thanks… not on the Sabbath…

October 17, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-10-17-2016-ThanksgvingI traveled to Boston today by the way of the Independent Chronicle dated October 14, 1816. I found “By His Excellency John Brooks, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, A Proclamation, for a day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer.” had been proclaimed. This was to be held on the Thursday, November 28.

Also found was an article entitled “Sabbath Laws” in which Judge Putnam “…repealed all former provisions upon the subject whether by statue or common law; that no act of labour, therefore, upon that day are lawful, except in cases of necessity or charity; and that prosecutions upon the statute are not within the exception…”. Too bad we cannot go back to those days…

~The Traveler

The Traveler… the Goree Merchants… Weales or Weasles…

October 6, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-10-3-2016-West-FloridaToday I journeyed to London by the way of The London Chronicle dated October 4, 1766. I found a short article stating that they write from Senegal “… there have been lately upwards of two hundred French trading ships on the coast of Africa; — which was a principal cause of the price of slaves being so high, the Goree Merchants having contracted to supply the Spanish West India settlements with negroes.”

In Cambridge, the last Monday was the day that the new Mayor for the succeeding year was to be sworn into office. However, he was currently in North America on his Majesty’s service. Consequently with not appearing, no mayor was sworn in for the next year and the late mayor will continue to until another is chosen and sworn in. The name of the late mayor? Mr. Alderman Weales, but it certainly looks close enough to “weasles” now doesn’t it??

~The Traveler

The Traveler… not quite the intended effect…

November 2, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-11-2-2015Today I traveled to London by the way of The Post Boy dated November 1, 1715. While peace in Lithuania now prevailed, Poland was being torn into pieces.  A proclamation was made “…that if any Gentleman should presume to mount on Horse-back, his House should be burnt, and his Wife and Children put to the Sword… However, it had a quite contrary Effect to what was expected; for the Nobility of the Palatinate of Cracow having mounted on Horseback, march’d towards Podgura and prevail’d with the Palatinate of Russia to join them; as several more are very ripe to do…The Muscovites, to the Number of 20000 Men, are arrived within 8 Leagues of this City, and pursue their March, with all speed, for Pomerania.”

~ The Traveler

The Traveler… a sweet business…

September 21, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-9-21-2015-SugarToday I traveled to back London, England by The London Chronicle of September 21, 1765. I found the reporting of some sweet business happening in New England, the making of maple syrup! “Having chosen out a large maple-tree, suitable for the purpose, they with an axe box it…a kind of trough is prepared… in order to retain the sap as it runs down. By this means upwards of 30 gallons from one tree has been drawn in a day;…  produces a sugar, the grain of which is equal in fineness to the the Jamaica…  upwards of 600 lb. was made by one man the last season…”

~The Traveler

The Traveler… the sinking of the Hesperian…

September 7, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-9-17-2015-Hesperian-SinkingToday I traveled to New York City by the way of the New York Tribune of September 7, 1915. The headline is of the tragic sink of the Hesperian. “Hesperian Sinks; 26 Dead; No Excuse for Act Found; Disavowal Is Expected”. “With all of the twenty-give missing passengers and crew of the Hesperian, torpedoed Saturday evening, now given up as lost, the total death list… stands at twenty-six… Wesley Frost telegraphed today to the American Embassy that the Admiralty authorities had not been informed officially that the Hesperian had been torpedoed without warning, but that they believed this was the case. Persons so far seen stated that no warning was given…”

~The Traveler

The Traveler… the surrender… presidential nomination…

September 1, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Blog-9-1-2014-Fort-Morgan-SurrenderToday I journeyed to New York City by the way of The New York Times dated September 1, 1864. There I found the rebel account  on the surrender of Fort Morgan, Mobile, Alabama. “The flag of truce boat returned last evening. The Yankees say Fort Morgan capitulated at 2 o’clock last Tuesday. On Monday afternoon they concentrated their fire on the fort, when the bombardment was renewed spiritedly… The fort did not fire Tuesday. Gen. Paige destroyed everything in the fort, and spiked his guns. He and the garrison, numbering 581 men, were sent to New-Orleans… The enemy have a strong force of 4,000 on the mainland at Grant’s Pass.”

Also in the issue was the coverage of the Democratic Convention being held in Chicago. “…The president then stated the question before the convention to be on ordering the previous question, (nomination  a candidate for the Presidency,) and it was ordered without dissent. The vote was then taken by States… the vote stood as follows: For (Gen.) McClellan – 162, Scattering – 64… The President then announced the vote, which was received with deafening cheers, the delegates and the vast audience rising, the band playing, and the cheering lasting for several minutes… The question was then taken on making the nomination unanimous, and it was declared carried. The shout that responded was deafening…”

~The Traveler

The Traveler… Mexican irony… dirty dancing prohibited!

May 5, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Today I traveled back to Boston by the means of The Boston Traveler and Evening Herald dated May 5, 1914. There I found a banner headline (see below) “Looting of Mexico City Planned”, with subheadlines, “New Plot to Down Huerta” and “Mexican Refugees at Vera Cruz Say Gen. Castro Is Stirring Army to Revolt.” How ironic to have this headline on the day of Cinco de Mayo — typically a special day of celebration in Mexico!

Also… The Boston school systems were being faced with a new dilemma… the dance craze, the tango! Due to this dance and other such “modern dances”, the headmasters were not going to take any chances with having these dances performed and were putting their foot down and cancelling all of the dances. And 3/4 of a century later, “Dirty Dancing” makes millions upon millions!

Additionally… The Leo Frank murder trial continues, with testimony that includes the accusation that he paid someone to lie for him.

~The TravelerLeo Frank Murder Trial

The Traveler… victory over Indians… horrible finding…

March 3, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

Today I traveled through Boston, Massachusetts, by the way of The Yankee (March 4, 1814). There I found a lengthy report on the Indian battle taking place, known as the Battles of Emuckfaw and Enotachopo Creek. The battles were under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson, General Coffee and Captain Hamilton. This battle included “friendly Indians” fighting against the Creek Indians. This report was submitted by Andrew Jackson.

“A Tale of Horror” report from Rutland, Vermont, was of a merchant, Joseph Green, who suddenly went missing. The town people thought he may have gone out of town, but when he did re-appear, they investigated his business and found his mangled remains behind a large woodpile under the stairs. “A person by the name of James Anthony, a hatter by trade, was strongly suspected of being accessory to his secretion, if not murder, in consequence of marks of violence which appeared on his face, and the manner in which he accounted for the same.” He was found guilty  and commitment to prison until the sitting of the supreme court in the town the following Monday.

~The Traveler

The Traveler… a duel… a reminder…

December 3, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Today I traveled back to England through The Post Boy dated December 4, 1712. There I found that the Duke of Hamilton, who was about to be Ambassador, had fought a duel with Lord Mohun, but “… was kill’d upon the Spot, as well as his Adversary…”.

Also within this issue are two different references to the “Pestilential Sickness” in which two women from Presbourg had recently died and there was great fear of it spreading. The other article spoke of “necessary Orders” begin given to prevent the spreading of the disease.

I realize that we are not dealing with pestilential issues, but just a reminder that if you have not yet received your flu shot, you still have time!

~The Traveler

The Traveler… the Czar gets married… loose lips…

April 2, 2012 by · 1 Comment 

Today’s travels took me to The London Gazette of April 5, 1712 where I found the Czar of Mosco (Moscow) has publicly solemnized his wedding with his Empress Catherina Alexewna. The wedding had to be deferred for some time by reason his Czarish Majesty’s “making the Campaign the last Summer.” The article provides details of the wedding.

Another article on the front page is of the Suedes (Swedes) making advancement into Pomerania before the Danes could hinder them. Two officers of the Swedish Fleet had been condemned “to have their Heads struck off, for having held a Correspondence with the Danes, and their Father, who was privy to these Actions of his Sons, and did not discover them, is confin’d to a perpetual Imprisonment…” There are times it is just better to keep the lips sealed.  Whereas some have been known to sink ships, this is even worse…

~The Traveler

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