Frame to see all four pages…
February 28, 2011 by TimHughes · 4 Comments
Many newspapers lend themselves nicely to framing and display, certainly those with either graphic appeal or a very historic report on the front page. Even better if an issue has both. But display can be problematic when the significant report is on the inside or back page.
The photos show one inventive display option for four page newspapers, which includes almost all from before the 1830’s. This “Pennsylvania Gazette” printed by Ben Franklin has his imprint at the bottom of page 4, and by opening the newspaper and matting both sides, all 4 pages are visible. The matted portion of the display is in the frame trim and hinged to the portion of which hangs on the wall, so by opening the frame all four pages are visible. A magnetic clasp keeps the frame closed while on the wall.
Give this a try for that special issue in your collection which otherwise would be difficult to display.