The Traveler… A commuted sentence… the angry mob and more…
June 22, 2015 by The Traveler · Leave a Comment
Today I traveled to New York City by the way of The New York Times of June 22, 1915. There I found the headlines announcing Governor Slaton of Georgia had commuted the sentence of convicted killer Leo Frank to life in prison. “The death sentence imposed on Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan has been commuted to one of life imprisonment by Governor John M. Slaton, and Frank is now in the State Prison at Milledgeville…” This news was not received well by the community and soon a crowd of up to 10,000 marches were upon the governor’s home. An effigy of the governor was burned. In the meantime, Leo Frank was secretly moved from the Atlanta prison to one in Milledgeville. This issue carries extensive coverage on this matter.
~The Traveler