Capturing the Vibe… July 4th…

January 5, 2024 by · Leave a Comment 

Welcome back to our ongoing series “Capturing the Vibe” where we try to imagine what the world felt like to a newspaper reader from the past by immersing ourselves in their … “vibe of the day”. This month I was drawn to a paper which was around the celebration of Independence Day 1895. It certainly gives Summer Vibes which is greatly appreciated as Winter is in full swing!

So, on we go with this month’s issue…


The Helena Herald is out of Montana … Big Sky Country.


Summer is a time for weddings and in Helena, they warranted front page attention.


Celebrations will cover the whole state but the fireworks in Helena will “Excell Anything in the State”.



Full pages of old-fashioned ads delight the eyes.


The Wool Shearing has gone slower than normal however, The Yellowstone Valley is selling their wool for 8.5 cents – 10 cents.


Not much $ to use for gambling but no need to worry as “The Law Prohibiting Gambling is now in Force in Montana”.