Definition of terms…
November 12, 2009 by TimHughes · Leave a Comment
Many thanks to fellow collector Morris Brill for the following. I’m sure we all can relate:
A few days ago I was browsing through a popular auction website. Imagine my surprise when I saw a listing for an “Ancient” newspaper. “Wow,” I thought, “I never knew newspapers were published before the end of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D.” I couldn’t wait to see this ‘ancient’ newspaper and immediately clicked only to experience that letdown feeling as I gazed upon a 1954 newspaper concerning the Korean War.
But, I really wanted to find something to purchase, and then I saw it. The heading read: “Rare Newspaper.” Knowing that ‘rare’ is defined as being marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal. Distinctive, seldom occurring or found, I clicked again. There it was, the blaring headline “Reagan Shot.” Hmmm….so much for rare.
But, I was undaunted. And for good reason for just a few listings down I was struck with the description, “Vintage” “This must be it,” I thought, knowing that ‘vintage’ was of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality. But, alas, what I found was a newspaper on the subject of a public transportation strike in Youngstown, Ohio.
Did I give up? Heck No. There just had to be something of importance among all these listings. And my wish was soon granted when I saw the ad that read, “Historical.” Knowing that ‘historical’ relates to or has the character of history. Famous in content or significance, I knew this was what I was looking for. Though my clicking finger was getting sore I stoically endured and clicked to find a Philadelphia newspaper of the Phillies winning the World Series last year.
I was determined though. I was certain I would soon find that gem. And there it was, an
“Authentic Historical Newspaper.” Knowing that ’authentic’ was something that was not imaginary, false, or imitation. Genuine, without counterfeiting, admixture or adulteration,
I just knew this was the answer to my quest. I was so excited as my finger hovered over my mouse. Click…and there is was. An authentic NEW reprint. Imagine my thrill to know that this was not just any authentic reprint, it was a New authentic reprint.
With my last ounce of strength I clicked the red X in the upper right of your screen.
Contest – Share your best “golden nugget discovery” story with the world!
October 16, 2008 by GuyHeilenman · 33 Comments
What do gold prospectors, pirates, treasure hunters, archeologists, and rare newspaper collectors have in common? They all share the thrill of the hunt and the reward of discovery.
When it comes to rare newspapers, finding the unexpected, in contrast to other collectibles, is often a good thing… and at times can even be quite valuable. Since the inception of the History’s Newsstand Blog, a number of posts have focused on this intrinsic pleasure of the hobby, and several readers have responded with “discoveries” of their own. In an effort to communicate this joy to the world, we would like to invite our readers to share their stories – for fun and for potential reward!
From now until Sunday, October 31st, you will have the opportunity to share your story (or stories) of a time when you purchased a newspaper (for one reason or another) only to discover upon reading the issue that it also contained key, historic, or highly interesting content that you did not know was present when you initially obtained the issue. The staff at Rare Newspapers will select a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place story by Friday, 11/7 (perhaps sooner), and announce the winners via the blog and through a personal e-mail contact. The winners will have their stories recognized on the blog, will receive Rare Newspapers gift certificates worth $100 (1st place), $50 (2nd place), and $25 (3rd place), and will have the satisfaction of knowing they contributed to the enhancement of the rare newspapers collectible community. If you have more than one story to share, enter them as separate comments to this post. Please include the title and date of the issue along with your story of discovery.
Don’t delay. Share your story with the world!