Oddball collecting ideas – advice columns through time…

November 17, 2016 by  
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One of the beauties of the Rare Newspapers hobby is the infinite possibilities old newspapers provide for collecting. Triumphs and tragedies, inventors and inventions, outlaws and gangsters, incredible feats and devastating failures, historic headlines and under-the-radar events – the reasons for collecting are almost endless.

A new idea (to me)…

Recently, as I was searching for historic content related to Thanksgiving, I was struck by the abundance of advice columns and wondered if the questions and corresponding advice had stood the test of time. This motivated me to grab a handful of issues from 50 years ago to randomly select a few to include within this post (see below). If I had more time and energy, the thought of amassing a collection of such columns through time and providing a bit of hind-sight analysis might make for an interesting coffee-table book – or perhaps a blog. Regardless, how’d she do? Does her advice still hold water? Are the questions still pertinent to those living today? I personally give her a 2 1/2 out of 3. Enjoy.blog-11-17-2016-ann-landers




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2 Responses to “Oddball collecting ideas – advice columns through time…”

  1. scott vandyken on November 18th, 2016 11:29 am

    Hi im just wondering if the printing plates from old newspapers hold a higher value then the paper or lower? thanks

  2. GuyHeilenman on December 12th, 2016 2:49 pm

    Hello Scott: Sorry, but we so not know. We only have knowledge about the actual newspapers themselves. Sorry. I wish we could help.

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