Gettysburg revisted… 150 years ago…

June 28, 2013 by  
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Since the birth of the United States, there may not be a single more formative event than The Battle of Gettysburg. Authentic newspapers containing first-hand accounts continue to be one of the most sought after within the collectible. Over the years several History’s Newsstand posts have been written about these contemporary reports. A sample of a few are:

The ultimate optimist…

Beyond the big, historic headline…

The Civil War…

The “top ten”: 19th century…

Most historic Civil War event…

The following are the currently available original newspapers with reports related to the Battle of Gettysburg. Please enjoy a brief walk into the heart of “America in crisis” (arranged in chronological order):  Battle of Gettysburg

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2 Responses to “Gettysburg revisted… 150 years ago…”

  1. Dom Leclezio on February 7th, 2017 12:26 am

    Hi, Guy, Tim (and all).

    I have, what I believe, is an original of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday July 4th, 1963. For history buffs, this edition was the first to publish a map of the battle and details pertaining.

    The Inquirer did reprint the same cover for the 150th anniversary—I am certain this is not one of these reproductions. I haven’t managed to find a whole lot about this collectible online.

    Does anyone know of it’s significance? Or who or where I can reach out to to find out more.

    Thank ypou!

  2. GuyHeilenman on February 21st, 2017 11:06 am

    Hello Dom: Can you take a handful of photos or various portions of the front page and send it to me at We’ll let you know what we think. Thanks – Guy

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