Featured website: www.earlyamerica.com
August 5, 2010 by GuyHeilenman Email This Post
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As collectors of historic newspapers, we are always on the lookout for websites which blend history with early newspaper reporting. One such site is Archiving Early America. It describes itself as follows:
Archiving Early America
Your Window To Early America
Here at Archiving Early America, you will discover a wealth of resources — a unique array of primary source material from 18th Century America. Scenes and portraits from original newspapers, maps, writings come to life on your screen just as they appeared to this country’s forebears more than two centuries ago.
As you browse through these pages, you will find it easier to understand the people, places and events of this significant time in the American experience.
We particularly appreciate Pages From The Past, which provides examples of various historic newspapers. Although not directly related to newspapers, their digit library is also worthy of mention. Enjoy.
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2 Responses to “Featured website: www.earlyamerica.com”
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Found Whole No. 10459 New York Herald Saturday April 15, 1865 with Grain-o advertisement and Lane’s Medicine, Kemps Balsam Cough Cure, on back side of single page. On front is an etching picture of Lincoln. What can you tell us about this?
Thank you.
If there is an image of Lincoln on the front page, it is unfortunately a reprint. To find more info on this issue, go to: https://blog.rarenewspapers.com/?p=284