Christmas Captured in an Image…

December 23, 2024 by  
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Christmas may bring more nostalgia than any other time of year… Snow lined roads, bells ringing outside the local Walmart, candlelight services at a local church, houses crowded with full-sized evergreen trees , Presents under those trees and plates of cookies cooling on the kitchen counter, family, friends and loved ones lingering for one more glass of wine or eggnog before bundling up to take the long way home so they can see extra lights strewn across neighbor’s yards. The list could be endless and often unique to each person… some of us include memories of faith while others do not. Whatever your paradigm of Christmas, there is an image which will capture all the feels perfectly and so, I have included some of these delightful depictions from our newspapers for you to enjoy. So, from our RareNewspapers Family to yours:

Merry Christmas to ALL …


and to ALL a Goodnight !

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