The January (2020) Newsletter from Rare & Early Newspapers…

January 27, 2020 by  
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Each month the staff of Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers sends out a newsletter to our members which includes special offers, discounts, alerts to new inventory, and information related to the rare newspaper collectible.

The October, 2019 newsletter:

Welcome to the first member’s newsletter for 2020. Shown below are links to recently listed items (a great set – see below), newly discounted issues (50% off), the History’s Newsstand Blog, and our most recent catalog of original newspapers (Catalog 290). Please enjoy.


Newly Discounted Items
A new set of issues have been reduced in price by 50% through February 13th. To view all discounted issues (priced as shown), go to: Discounted Newspapers


Catalog 290

Items from Catalog 290 continue to be available. Some of the remaining topics include: the trial and execution of the notorious pirate Captain Kidd, Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown (a first report), print of the storming of Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, the best San Francisco earthquake issue to be had, the Coronation of King James II and Queen Mary, the first full-fledged Broadway musical, and more. The entire catalog may be viewed at: Catalog 290

New & Resurrected Issues
Since the release of our most recent catalog we had fun searching our inventory and have unearthed a number of new items and “refreshed” a host of others. These issues may be viewed at: New & Resurrected Issues
Did You Know…
We have quite a few containing collectible coverage of NFL-related achievements and events, including several reports on past Super Bowls: NFL Reports


History’s Newsstand

Our Blog has an abundance of material related to the hobby. Some of the recent posts include:
Thanks for collecting with us.



Guy Heilenman & The Rare & Early Newspapers Team

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