World Series bound… Before the “Curse of the Bambino”… The Traveler…
September 3, 2018 by The Traveler
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Today I journeyed to New York City by way of The New York Times dated September 1, 1918, where I found that the Boston Red Sox had won the American League Pennant. “The Two Rival Managers & Their Shock Troops Primed for the World’ Series Clash This Week.” “Boston clinched the American League pennant by winning the first game of today’s double header from Philadelphia, 6 to 1, with Ruth holding the visitors to three hits… (Babe) Ruth’s all around play, including his terrific double to deep centre field, which just missed entering the bleachers, was the feature of the first game.”
Babe Ruth would end up being traded to the New York Yankees in December, 1919, in a very controversial trade. This would also be the last World’s Series that the Red Sox would win until 2004, sometimes dubbed “The Curse of the Bambino.”
~The Traveler
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