What meaningful gift do you give to a 90-year-old?

May 31, 2013 by  
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One of the greatest challenges when it comes to gift-giving is what to purchase for someone in their 50’s-90’s+ that is both unique and meaningful.  While we at Rare Newspapers specialize in offering historic newspapers from the 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, we also offer Birthday Newspapers – issues from the day someone was born. A recent note from a purchaser of such a gift warmed our hearts. Thanks to R.M. for allowing us to share his response:

I just wanted to tell you all that this weekend I gave my Grandmother her 90th birthday gift –  a NYT from May 14th 1923.   Attached are two pictures.She was thrilled with the gift and my family was as well. Discussions are already underway over which great grandchild will inherit the paper :).

I’m not a collector, so I have no idea what the paper is worth, but I couldn’t believe the paper was only $42. No one really knew what to expect – some people told me ‘You know it’s just going to be a reproduction that looks old’ or ‘Don’t be surprised if it’s just the front page’, well – they were wrong. I’ve already suggested this gift idea to several friends and will continue to recommend your service, I’m sure at some time in the future I’ll need a gift this unique again. Thanks again!

Original newspapers for the “Day You Were Born” do make wonderful gifts.

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One Response to “What meaningful gift do you give to a 90-year-old?”

  1. Jim Rogers on June 1st, 2013 12:14 pm

    Beautiful blog & website! You guys are doing history right. I have promoted your bus. On my FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hunters-Frontier-Times-Magazine/201069179934165

    Thanks, and keep up the excellent work.

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