They put it in print… Forget the boxer: don’t mess with his wife…

September 28, 2015 by  
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Blog-9-28-2015-Wife-of-BoxerAn early 1800’s article of a grudge boxing match in London reports an interesting ending, when the losing boxer’s wife steps forward to challenge the assistant of the winning boxer. The October 25, 1805 issue of the Middlesex Gazette (Middletown, CT) states: “…They set to in great style & the wife rallied her opponent handsomely. She fought 14 strait…rounds and so completely disfigured the head of Leveret that he yielded to her superior science in the pugilistic art…The second was by far the best fight, and the delicate lady challenged her husband’s rival on the spot.” Forget the boxer… Don’t mess with his wife.

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2 Responses to “They put it in print… Forget the boxer: don’t mess with his wife…”

  1. ham on December 24th, 2015 6:31 am

    Hi I have the newspapers on 26 July 1931, then I wonder whether or not you’re willing to buy the newspaper, please answer the following, Persian and English newspapers Thanks

  2. GuyHeilenman on January 11th, 2016 2:34 pm

    We are not aware of it having content that would make it of interest to us. Sorry.

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