The Traveler… O Canada!

July 6, 2017 by  
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blog-7-3-2017-o-canadaEarlier this week I traveled to New York City by the way of The New York Times dated July 2, 1867 where I found the headline “The Dominion of Canada” with the subhead “Inauguration of the Confederation — A General Holiday — Lord Monck Sworn in — Review of Troops”. “This day has given birth to the political infant, the Dominion of Canada…” This was the announcement of the birth of Canada.

Happy (belated) birthday Canada!

~The Traveler

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2 Responses to “The Traveler… O Canada!”

  1. John Wakelin on July 14th, 2017 4:28 pm

    Here we are 14th July 2017 and not one mention of a paper announcing WAR in 1917
    I would have expected some items to celebrate a century.

    Maybe the slogan Lest we forget has been forgotten

    regards and keep up ypur searching for fabulous tid bits

  2. GuyHeilenman on July 17th, 2017 9:14 am

    Hello John – Whereas I do agree the current interest in WWI is, sadly, practically nil, we did a post on this back in early April:

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