The Traveler… Ismay on “speed”… war of the roses…

June 4, 2012 by  
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I traveled today to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, by means of The Evening Times dated June 4, 1912. There I found that (J.) Bruce Ismay has been providing justification to the British court of inquiry on the speed possibilities of the Titanic. He was the chairman and managing director of the White Star Line and a survivor of the sinking of the Titanic.

Another front page article is entitled “Says Husband Sent Her Poisoned Roses”. Mrs. Rose Ebeling received poisoned roses from her husband one afternoon, this was after she had filed a bill for divorce against her husband, Fred. The fumes of the poison had overpowered the servant who opened the package. So to quote Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet “…that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…”

~The Traveler

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