Rare newspaper collector’s inspiring story…
February 26, 2009 by GuyHeilenman · Leave a Comment
Over the years we have had the opportunity to establish relationships with many wonderful people within the rare newspapers community. On occasion, we are blessed to hear about the story behind the voice on the other end of the phone. One such person is Robert (Bob) Cassidy, of Pekin, Illinois. He is one of those individuals whom always has something positive to say, and who manages to make everyone he speaks with feel important. What a gift. This gift is especailly noteworthy considering the health issues he must hurdle in order to communicate. It is obvious he is a man of strong character, and of even stronger faith. It is the combination of both traits which provide the backdrop for… his story:
Disease inspires man to paint…
(Source: The Journal Star by Elise Zwicky)
“For some, a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease might end an art career; for Bob Cassidy, it was the catalyst for getting started. ‘God, in his infinite wisdom, gave me Parkinson’s to see if I still had a sense of humor. And I did, thank God,’ said the 73-year-old retired speech specialist. Cassidy is planning an open house at the end of February or early March at his new art studio…” (read more)
Thanks Bob. You are an inspiration to us all.