Entry point to the Rare Newspapers Collectible… 16th & 17th Centuries…
February 17, 2011 by GuyHeilenman · 2 Comments
Our peek at the lower-end entry points into the hobby of collecting rare and early newspapers draws to a conclusion today with a gander at inexpensive newspapers published prior to 1700. A list of titles priced at under $50 includes: The London Gazette, The Athenian Mercury, Votes of the House of Commons, The Observator, and The Weekly Pacquet of Advice From Rome, all of which are British publications.
The following link will take you to these potential pre-1700 entry-point issues: Pre-1700 Inexpensive Issues
Note: View the following to explore the History’s Newsstand Blog’s featured posts on the upper end of the collectible: “Prices Realized” and “Most Collectible Issues“.