The Traveler… sighting of the comet… bank roberry… kill your dogs?…
September 19, 2011 by The Traveler · Leave a Comment
In today’s travels, the Middlesex Gazette of September 19, 1811 had people looking skyward. The front page contained an article “The Comet” which “passed into the left hind leg of the Great Bear…” and “…The tail appears to separate into two branches, and is very distinguishable…”.
Inside the issue is the reporting of a bank robbery in Charleston in which the authorities were pretty certain they knew who had committed the crime. After questioning the person and not being able to obtain a confession, they then spoke to his fellow servant, a suspected aid. When told his owner was arrested — he told everything and showed them where the money was hidden as well as the items used to rob the bank!
The last page contained an advertisement that I have never seen in any other newspapers before, a real attention grabber… “Kill your Dogs”. You need to read this one!
~The Traveler