Repurposing at its best… Bindings from bound volumes…

June 26, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Nearly 50 years ago Tim Hughes stepped into the world of rare newspapers and sold an issue to his 1st collector. From the beginning, Tim and now the rest of the staff here at RareNewspapers have been helping lovers of history complete everything on their wants lists from casual interests to once in a lifetime bucket list item. As we prepare each issue for our website or catalog, we carefully work to restore it to its original condition. This task takes time and attention to detail as institutions would often combine a months or years worth of issues, binding them into volumes for easier storage (like a book). These volumes range in size from a Gentleman’s Magazine to a New York Times. In the day-to-day searching and restoring, we began to realize we had other sorts of treasures in our hands. These institutions often used beautiful bindings and whimsical paper to secure these historically valuable issues and it seemed a shame to toss the “packaging” aside. And so, we have begun to try and find people who are as delighted with the artistic beauty of these antique items as our current collectors are enthralled with the historical issues found within these well-worn bindings. Wanting to share all we do with our collecting family; we created a video to show what we are creating and now offering on Etsy.  I hope you enjoy these items as much as we do, or can at least appreciate our careful repurposing of beautiful items from a bygone era.