He should have known better…

February 7, 2009 by  
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Just for fun…

Sometimes it can take 75 years for a tinge of humor to be found in a tragic report, such as the one in the photo. The headline certainly makes one ask: what was he thinking???

This appeared on the front page of the COLDWATER DAILY REPORTER newspaper, Michigan, Sept. 21, 1934.

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One Response to “He should have known better…”

  1. Paul Sarna on February 7th, 2009 11:49 pm

    One newspaper that stands out at least in a “What was the newspaper thinking?” category is one that you showed me, Tim, of a Kennedy assassination early report and underneath the tragic headline showed a picture of a man upside down in a garbage can. At first glance of that newspaper…well, I don’t want to say….
    Tim, what newspaper was that?

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