Cigarettes… Fitness you can…
February 25, 2016 by GuyHeilenman Email This Post
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While pairing the concept of superior athleticism with cigarette smoking as an advertising ploy would come across ridiculous in today’s “enlightened” culture, there was a time when this was not the case. In fact, professional athletes promoting cigarettes (see the ad from a NYT, October 1, 1941 shown below) was as common in early-to-mid 1900’s as the same promoting energy and “health” drinks is today. I wonder if our children’s children will look back on today wondering how we could have been (dare I say) duped by such connections. Are health drinks really healthy? Time will likely tell.
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2 Responses to “Cigarettes… Fitness you can…”
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People that weren’t around in that era or soon after have no idea the prevalence of smoking.
I’m a big fan of old TV shows and have been watching old game shows on Buzzzr TV. Every episode of “I’ve Got a Secret” has Gary Moore smoking his lungs out 😎
Thanks for the interesting picture above.
Thank you Tom – and you are 100% correct.