The Traveler… slave trafficking 100 years ago… Johnson pitching… 24-hour workday… Coney Island – time for some fun…

May 20, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

This week I journey to New York City by the way of The New York Tribune of May 19, 1913. There I found a report from John D. Rockefeller on the white slave trafficking that was occurring. “The report says, New York has become the hub of the white slave traffic, not only for the other large cities of the United States, but for Argentine, Brazil, Cuba and Canada also.”

In the sporting news, a headline reads “Walter Johnson Wins His Tenth Straight”. Johnson won 36 games in 1913, 40% of the team’s total wins in the season. In April and May, he pitched 55.2 consecutive scoreless innings, still the American League record and the third-longest streak in history. He also received the MVP this year as well.

Standard Oil Workers were also starting a fight for shorter work days siting “inhuman” conditions, requesting to drop from 24-hour to 8-hour work days.

With the beginning of sunny days,The new Coney Island, bigger and better” opened to a crowd of 300,000. Here’s to many enjoyable sunny, summer days.

~The Traveler

Topsy the elephant… Thomas Edision vs. Nikola Tesla…

April 18, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Each day at Rare Newspapers brings new discoveries.  Today we found an item which is quite historic.  In 1903, the battle between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla (and Westinghouse) as to which form of electrical current (DC or AC) was to become the standard, was largely decided – with Edison’s DC current being the loser.  Not willing to give up without a fight, Edison attempted to win public and political support by stressing the greater danger of death by electrocution from contact with AC current.  In a highly publicized dramatic event, Edison organized and helped supervise the  filming and electrocution by AC current of Topsy, a Coney Island circus elephant which had recently killed three men.  While the execution was successful, and was overseen by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Edison was highly criticized for the event which did not accomplish his desired goal.  The report was found on the front page of the ALLEGHENY COUNTY REPORTER, Wellsville, New York, January 6, 1903.  I wonder if the S.P.C.A. would support such an action today?