Your help would be appreciated…

June 14, 2010 by  
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Rick Brown, not unknown in our little world of newspaper collecting, is embarking upon a project and seeks your help.

Rick published “Collectible Newspapers” for many years and created the Newspaper Collectors’ Society of America along with producing several projects which remain valuable to our hobby today, including the “List of Common Reprints” found on our website. His current project is producing a list of all known reprint editions of the New York Herald of April 15, 1865, perhaps the most commonly reprinted newspaper on the market. He has identified 35 different versions and is lacking a few including:

* Kitchel’s Liniment for 1890, 1892 through 1899, 1903 and 1904, 1906
through 1908. (The date for each can be found at the
top margin of page 2.)

* Smith’s Buchu Lythia Pills

He also wishes to produce a reprint of the front pages of each of the four
genuine editions of the newspaper for free online use. Should you have a genuine New York Herald, April 15, 1865 in your collection, or one of the reprint edition editions noted above, please be in touch with Rick directly for details on how to assist in his project:

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10 Responses to “Your help would be appreciated…”

  1. Rick Brown on August 25th, 2010 11:11 pm

    I am now able to document 39 different times the April 15, 1865 New York Herald was reprinted. Most were printed for advertising purposes. The earliest reprint version I am aware of was in 1876 for the nation’s centennial and the last in 1908. See them at:

  2. Marina Durkin on September 14th, 2010 10:30 am

    I was recently doing a job cleaning out a house. In the attic I found a box of old letters from the 1800’s. I enjoy reading them so I brought them home. As I was going through them I found an envelope that had been mailed and stamped. Written on the envelope is “This paper gives the account of Lincoln’s death preserve it for reference”. Inside I found a New York Herald newspaper dated April 15, 1865. I know that this is widely reproduced, so how can I find out if this one is real or not? I also found a multitude of other items that date back to the 1860’s, such as tin type photos, an enscribed family photo album, daguerreotypes, stock certificates and lots of letters,so I am curious if this might in fact be genuine.

  3. Robert L. Estep on March 1st, 2011 9:01 pm

    I found a New York Hearld in an old book but could not remember later the year of the book . My copy says Reproductions of pages 1 and 2 from an original in the Library of Congress .The rush in getting out this extra edition probably accounts for the incorrect date line of page 8 reading April 14,1865. Does anyone know when this would have been reproduced.Any help or ideas would be appreciated.Robert

  4. Jim Sylvest on January 17th, 2012 12:26 pm

    I have a New York Herald, April 15, 1865-four pages, with page 2 and 3 containing Kitchel Linament ads, as well as some pictures of bicycles and riders. Is this the paper you are looking for? If so, feel free to contact me.

    Thanks, Jim Sylvest

  5. GuyHeilenman on January 25th, 2012 8:16 am

    Hello Jim, Please send this information on to

  6. TimHughes on January 28th, 2013 11:39 am

    Jim – Regarding your New York Herald of April 15, 1865, unfortunately this is a very common reprint and has no collector value. The genuine issue has 8 pages and does not have the Kitchel liniment ad and the others you noted.

    Tim Hughes

  7. Janet Shank on July 26th, 2013 9:40 am

    I have one of the “Fake” New York Herald April 15, 1865 editions for advertising purposes. This one is the “EXTRA. 8:10 A.M.” edition with the center two pages that contain 2 columns of so called news and the rest is completely devoted to KITCHEL’S LINIMENT. The last of the 4 pages begins with column 1 lead article about GRANT “The Execution of Details of the Surrender.” If this Fake edition has any value to anyone, research or otherwise, I will be glad to send it along.
    Thank you,
    Janet Shank

  8. dave coutz on November 18th, 2013 3:06 pm

    Thank for all the info, I have the 1905 Kitchels Lemiment paper in ruff shape, and the whole number on top is 10459 not 10456. the rest of the paper is the same you show. Thanks Dave. Feel free to comment back.

  9. Bill Hastings on November 27th, 2018 9:15 pm

    I have a 1893 Kitchel’s Linimint Lincoln death paper. If you want I can send photos. It is complete but in fragile condition.

  10. GuyHeilenman on April 25th, 2019 10:04 am

    Sorry, but we do not monitor such questions from here. Please send us information regarding what you have to us at Thanks for your understanding.

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